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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer One75 Top Eyelets Question

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Hello all I am wondering if anyone is having problems wih the top eyelets on the new bauers one series. I got a pair of one75 a week ago used them 3 times and I noticed today the top eyelets on my skates are bending/folding over. I usually lace my skates with the laces over the hole and I think it is putting too much pressure on the eyelets. I may bring them to the pro shop I bought them and see if they can bend them back and fix it. I really do not want to send them back on a warranty cause that will take weeks and I just got my skates some what broken in.

Let me know and btw I got used to the Sherwood 5030

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Yeah I was careful during baking but I am thinking its the combo of waxed laces and the way I lace my skates. New technology makes the skates really light but they really do no hold up well I guess.

I am going to bring them to the pro shop show them the skate and see what they tell me to do.

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Turns out my skates had to be sent back to bauer after owning them a little over a week. Not only were the eyelets pulling out but the tongue was cut and sliced. It must be the way I lacve my skates but honeslty it is kinda crap that new skates can not hold up like the old school bauer 5000 of the 1990's. Anyway I called bauer and my proshop is sending them out. Hopefully they will be at bauer by tom or the next day and I may have new skates or fixed skates by next week.

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I have one75's, i wear tongue out and my tongue is cut on the sides where felt is.................that is covered by waranty??? I figured it just to be wear and tear

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