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Teammates make you look like an idiot?

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Does anyone else get frustrated when your teammates start chirping for no reason, eventually causing a penalty of some sort.. now the whole team has to suffer because someone wants to feel cool?

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i have this guy on my sunday night team that is always yappin' at refs. its understandable sometimes but when hes in the box 2-3 times a game thus leading to the other team scoring powerplay goals and us losing i think its time for him to cram it.

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I put the penalty magnets in with the guy who gives you every pass at knee level or three feet behind you. Unless it his team he or she better be improving.

That said it can be unbelievable frustrating, one guy on a team I play for has all the skills to be a very good defensemen. Unfortunately, one night against a bad team he discovered he could move through them like a hot knife through butter.

Big deal right, well from then on he feels the need to try to channel his inner Datsyuk and move through the entire opposing team without so much as a cursory glance to his teammates.

He knows this is a big problem, and we tried pretty much everything (moving him to offense, night off, endless practice, etc) but as soon as instinct takes over its the same old thing. Problem is he is longtime friends with the two brothers who run the team and their dad who is the coach of sorts, its the joy of non-professional hockey. Every team is doing their best to not be drug down by the one problem guy each team seems to have.

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Had a kid on my 3on3 team who would chirp every damn game and finally he said something to the wrong person and got the shit beat outta him. he didn't say anything to anyone after that.

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yep, seen it at ALL levels of hockey. Some players are dumb as the proverbial bag of hammers. Others are actually TOLD to go out and get more penalty minutes by their agents or parents. In most cases, it is simply a case of the player putting his own needs ahead of the team's.

What amazes me is when a coach does not do anything about it, like benching their "star" for a couple of games until he gets a clue.

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Does anyone else get frustrated when your teammates start chirping for no reason, eventually causing a penalty of some sort.. now the whole team has to suffer because someone wants to feel cool?

Actually, those teammates only make themselves look like idiots.

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