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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Macbook Pro

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They don't have a 17" widescreen macbook? Sorry I'm not on the up-and-up on this stuff, but I would expect the MBP to be a larger screen that is nicer for movies, graphics work, etc.

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They don't have a 17" widescreen macbook? Sorry I'm not on the up-and-up on this stuff, but I would expect the MBP to be a larger screen that is nicer for movies, graphics work, etc.

Yes, they do have a new 17" MBP.

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They don't have a 17" widescreen macbook? Sorry I'm not on the up-and-up on this stuff, but I would expect the MBP to be a larger screen that is nicer for movies, graphics work, etc.

Yes, they do have a new 17" MBP.

There is no new 17" Macbook Pro. Just the old model is left with some updated specs. I would expect them to move up to a larger size next time they release a new Macbook Pro.

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Firewire was overrated anyway. USB is faster and more universal.

Fireware has a big base though in Mac users especially graphics and media people, not to mention its faster than usb 2.0.

I heard that they are creating a dongle that will provide a firewire jack through the ethernet port.

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Thanks for that link, Fletch. I have 2gb on my iMac, which is my main computer, while The Big D has 1gb on hers, which is what she uses at home (as well as the ladies for their homework). Because I've read there are limitations on how much memory the Intel machines can actually use, any suggestions on which combination of memory I could upgrade on mine, and then put the remainder into her machine?

Also, for those of you who have used the student discount, does it hold true for fifth and sixth graders? How much of a discount is it?

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I just checked Apple's website. The educational discount is only for college students, K-12 staff or home-schooled children, so it seems my only choice it to pull the ladies from school for a week if I want to cheat the system......

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I just checked Apple's website. The educational discount is only for college students, K-12 staff or home-schooled children, so it seems my only choice it to pull the ladies from school for a week if I want to cheat the system......

I don't think they have any sort of verification on the student discount, I don't know what keeps you from using it and saying you were buying it for continued education at some local community college that's on their list.

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I've been reading about the new one since yesterday. When it says that the screen is glass and that the touchpad is made of glass, that doesn't actually mean REAL glass does it?

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I've been reading about the new one since yesterday. When it says that the screen is glass and that the touchpad is made of glass, that doesn't actually mean REAL glass does it?

yep. real actual glass. made out of melted sand and everything.

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Ok so i went with the mbp that came out in february because futureshop had it on sale and because the new one is really expensive because of the canadian dollar. Anyway, it automatically found the other computers in my house and i was trying to switch some of my folders over by dragging them but when i tried to copy the folder where i keep all of my stuff in, it said "some of the files could not be copied because you do not have the privileges". it didn't even copy a quarter of the folder. what does this mean and how do i get around it?

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First, you need to go into Sharing within the System Preferences area and ensure that File Sharing is checked. You may need to click the lock to gain access (to unlock, in other words), then the Plus button to add folders you are willing to make available. At that point you can choose what users will be given access and for what amount. You have the choice of Read Only, Write Only or Read & Write. Click the lock and you are done.

After that, you will probably need to go to the particular folders themselves, Get Info and ensure they are available. If they aren't, the process is similar to above.

I had something unexpected on my computer that perhaps someone else can help with. I've made Documents fully available to the other computers within the house, and I had dragged pictures from our DC trip into a Photos folder. I had subfolders of A's, D's. J's and L's Cameras and was creating new folders based on its subject. The strange thing is, even though Documents was Read & Write, each new subfolder I created -- Lincoln Memorial, Smithsonian, etc -- was locked to the other computers. I had to individually set permissions for each new subfolder. One would assume that any subfolders created in a fully accessible folder would be readily available, but that wasn't the case. Any suggestions on how to make it universally available?

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First, you need to go into Sharing within the System Preferences area and ensure that File Sharing is checked. You may need to click the lock to gain access (to unlock, in other words), then the Plus button to add folders you are willing to make available. At that point you can choose what users will be given access and for what amount. You have the choice of Read Only, Write Only or Read & Write. Click the lock and you are done.

my other computer isn't a mac. i'm trying to get it's files onto my mac. is that what you're describing?

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If you need to transfer on a recurring basis, I can't remember how to do it, since we switched out the second computer to a Mac about 9 months ago, and I don't recall transferring between the PC to my Mac too often.

If it's a one-time thing, I'd suggest locating an external hard drive, copy the files onto it, then transfer to the Mac.

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ok, this assumes a couple of things.

a. you have a username and password on the windows box

b. the windows box is either winxp or win2k

c. all the boxes are on a LAN using a router or something similar.

d. you've enabled sharing of the C: drive in Windows.

from Finder, hit APPLE + K. Then type in the LOCAL IP of the windows box like this smb:// <-- replace that with whatever your LOCAL IP is on the router.

A dialog box will pop up and you'll be prompted to put your username and password from the windows box in.

This will mount your windows box on the desktop as if it were a networked hard drive. you'll have the same permissions that you'd have if you were physically in front of el windows boxo.

Drag and drop everything you want, then drag the mounted windows share in the trash.

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