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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Rocker Question

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I just got a new pair of skates and I do not know what to rocker them at, so I will give you as much information as possible so that you may be able to help me out.

Old Skates: NBH Vapor XXXX - Size 8D - 2 Heel Plates (for more inclined boot) - Rocker 13+1

New Skates: NBH Supreme One95 - Size 6.5D

I had to go down sizes because I want to start wearing a skate that fits my foot better.

I want the blade length (rocker) and incline of the boot (heel plates) to feel the same as my old skates even though these skates are smaller in size. What do you guys think I should get them rockered at and how many heel plates (if any) I should use to make them feel the same as my old skates??

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from what I know the boot pitch of XXXX & One95 is about the same.

holders are exactly the same - LS2 for both

with that said whatever you did for 40s can be done for One95 with similar results with some consideration given to LS2.1 steel - you might want to try 12' rocker instead of 13' just to account for an extra blade length (just speculating here though since I heard an opinion that for 2.1 steel there's actually NO extra lenght of the blade that touches the ice so basically the same rocker can be used as in regular LS2 steel)

"2 Heel Plates" - does it mean 2mm heel lift? that's about right to put you at about +1 pitch (1/32) since LS2 is about -1.

to sum up - same rocker, and either 2mm heel list, or profile the steel at +2 (1/16)

JR knows all about it, so hopefully he'll correct me if I'm off base :)

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from what I know the boot pitch of XXXX & One95 is about the same.

holders are exactly the same - LS2 for both

with that said whatever you did for 40s can be done for One95 with similar results with some consideration given to LS2.1 steel - you might want to try 12' rocker instead of 13' just to account for an extra blade length (just speculating here though since I heard an opinion that for 2.1 steel there's actually NO extra lenght of the blade that touches the ice so basically the same rocker can be used as in regular LS2 steel)

"2 Heel Plates" - does it mean 2mm heel lift? that's about right to put you at about +1 pitch (1/32) since LS2 is about -1.

to sum up - same rocker, and either 2mm heel list, or profile the steel at +2 (1/16)

JR knows all about it, so hopefully he'll correct me if I'm off base :)

Thanks for the input!

The only thing I was curious about though is that I went down in size from a 8 to a 6.5, therefore the stock blade length would be smaller and I would want to rocker higher like a 14 to compensate, right??

Also is there any difference in pitch going with a +2 on my rocker (i.e. 13+2) instead of getting heel lifts put in??

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The One95 is a very responsive skate.... I would suggest starting with the stock skate (no mods) and make the changes one at a time, so you will be able to distinguish what you like and what you don't. My 90's and 95's are set-up exactly the same, but skate/feel different. My suggestions.

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I just got new skates as well. I know with my last pair of new skates, I just took my old ones in and they rockered my new ones to what my old ones were. They also put all the information in a book so I should be able to get my new ones done to what I had before.

My questiion is this, SHOULD I rocker my skates. My thought is that through months of use/sharpenings, I will get there eventually, so I may as well rocker/profile them from the get go. Does that make sense? Is there any benefits from just using them as they are?


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1. All skates right out of the box, 90% of all pairs the radius are mismatched. Getting a radius will get them back in alignment.

2. Your skates, after they have been sharpened many times, the radius is no longer stock or no longer what you had radiused. It has changed. Sharpeners can change radius so quickly.

3. IMO, all new skates need to be custom radiused. Skate on them first, then tell your sharpener how they feel and let them pick your radius/pitch based on your feedback.

Bhansen24, you can't simply ask if your skates should be radiused at 13 +1. Have you tried anything different? Perhaps a combination radius is right for you. Every time you change model skates, your whole radius situation changes. Work with your radius specialist to find something that works perfect for you. Don't ever judge performance based on your old settings, they may have been Ok, but not optimum.

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Is there an easy way to check for radius? Just put the blades against some standard radius profile? That is, is there a quick way to determine whether blades are mismatched or out of radius?

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Unfortunately, there is no easy way. Your LHS, if they do radius and have all the templates, could do a dry run on a template to see how it matches. For example set the machine up for a 9' and if your skate is suppose to have a 9' they could tell if it didn't and also tell if left was off from right. It is time consuming.

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Every day I find a new helpful topic on this site. I am about to buy a Blackstone XO1. I wear One 95's (8.5ee) with custom radius, I have one son that wears One 75's (2.5d) and another that wears One70's (4 d) but this pair will be changing soon. I know the value of properly radiused skates so I want to be consistent and not lose the radius. Once I have the x01 for a period of time how will I know when I need to get my skates radiused again? Also considering the skates i have will i need to make any adjustments each time I switch from one to the other?

Thanks a lot for the help on this.....

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