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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hair Styles

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What is the crazyest hair style you have ever had.Right now I have a Mullet. A kid at school did it for me at lunch yeterday.Its pretty sweet.I look like the guy form Little Nicky.But I have been getting weird looks from people every time I go out into the public.

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i had a mullet when i was 4 i think then a mushroom cut then normal buzzed hair for a while then i did the lil flick thing for the bangs ,then i spiked it and for 3 years ive had huge fro-ey rad big hair

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I had a little kid buzz mohawk with a maply lead shaved into my head. It was like a Buzz cut, with longer on the mohawk and deeper (not skin) on the back where the Leaf was. Back in the day when neon hats and Zoomba pants ruled the playground.

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I've had a mohawk and liberty spikes, I still have the picture of the spikes, maybe i'll put it up.

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Speaking of mullets, yesterday me and a few buddys went to the vendor to pick up a few cases of beer. And a truck pulls up that was jacked up atleast a foot and a half and probablly had about 55" rubber on it. And inside were the two biggest Joe Dirt look alikes you'd ever see. And of course they were drikin and driving. (and from saskatchewan)

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i've gone from just normal length hair, to the rat tail, to the buzz cut for a while, and for the past two yrs n counting i've had the nice long shaggy hockey hair, and after grad pics are taken shes going into a mullet for a few days, then back to the peach fuzz

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Past two years I've shaved my hockey hair into a mullet at the start of hockey season. The first year was because we had a cancer fundraiser at school and a bunch of local junior guys came in to shave their heads then people convinced me to do a mullet. Then last year at a lunch time we figured it was a good idea to shave it in again. I'm probly gonna grow the hair out another month before I do it again, let it get down close to the shoulders. Everytime I get it, I rock it for about a month, last year it worked great for halloween cause a bunch of us dressed up like white trash, it was a beauty. I've got a couple pics of it, but how do I put them up on here?

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One time for a birthday party, I dyed one eyebrow teal, the other purple. One half of my hair was teal, and the other half purple. I did other stuff to my self, but I won't get into that, lets just say that I haven't been invited to that person's house now for about 4 years. lol.

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Had a skullet for 3 days last year. Showed pics on CB too. I doubt that someone can top that.

I must agree. That's almost as classic as "what's the number for lhs?"

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Had a skullet for 3 days last year. Showed pics on CB too. I doubt that someone can top that.

At first I was gonna have a Skullet with just a rat tail in the back but then my freind threatend to pull it out so I just went with the Mullet.

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Had a skullet for 3 days last year.  Showed pics on CB too.  I doubt that someone can top that.

Can we see em again?

I'd show them if I still had them.

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