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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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russia practice & usa vs. russia pics

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Awesome pics!  You should have told me you were coming to the practices, I was there for the US one, the russian one didn't have a specific time so I didn't make it..

some very nice pics of the skates!  Thanks for the Amonte Pro Tacks it was driving me nuts wondering what they were at practice (I didn't have my camera).

thanks for the complements everyone. me going to the practices (and the game for that matter) was all kind of last minute. i bought tickets at like midnight the night before. i ended up showing up late to the practices anyway, i completely forgot to check for the time difference coming from indiana. so i only got to see about 20 minutes of the russia practice.

i'm suprised so few have talked about the new pro tacks. i think they look great. i guess they're not flashy enough for these days.

well for the pro tack question.....I'm a big fan of CCM tacks since i'm 3 yr old to 14yr i wear TACKS

and i don't reallt care about flashy skate since i think tack are maybe the ugliest skate(beside rebellions lolll) but sooooo much confortable(oh well i'M not going to do a review on my 1152 tack)

but i have to admit that these news tack are UGLY i prefer WAY BETTER the all black pro tack 03 or the old graphic of my 1152('02)...

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I think the Tacks look good. As a manufacturer, ya gotta make your skates stand out at least a bit. The Pure files looked good up close, but even an experienced eye would have trouble picking it out from 20 ft away.

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thats one of my favorite things about my 8090s, you would really hafta kno your stuff to pick those out. thank god someone went back to a balck skate with a good fit when graf went to the goofy silver like almost everyone else.

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dont diss on graf skates dood :angry: i happen to be a very happy owner of "goofy silver" graf skates :lol: ,i almost got the 8090's but i heard weird things about the holders in the reviews so i got 735s ,i wanted to try t blades anyways and im glad i did because i never wanna go back.

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Maybe I just missed it, but has anyone mentioned the new Easton gloves? I'll try to find a pic of them.

the ones with the "e" in a circle on the cuff? i thought they just were different graphics.

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