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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shoulder Pad Buying Help

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I am trying to find some new shoulder pads to buy online that are light, offer good mobility, not very bulky, and under $50. Right now I have shoulder pads that are about 10 years old and offer pretty much no protection at all. I have no history of upper body injuries and I play both checking and non-checking hockey. Right now on my radar I have the Bauer classics and the Sher-wood 5030's but am open to whatever fits the categories I have listed best. Thanks very much for your help.

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5030s are comfy but provide absolutely no protection at all. I like mine but I rarely get bumped let alone hit.

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Bauer classics have slightly more protection than the 5030s, if nothing else the shoulder caps are a little harder.

Sometimes your LHS will have a few pairs of older model shoulder pads laying around that you could check out. I know the peranis near me has an end cap overflowing with them.

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Ya I forgot to mention that I live in Iowa and have absolutely nowhere near me that offers a decent array of equipment so there is no way I can really try anything on. Thanks a bunch.

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Bauer classics have slightly more protection than the 5030s, if nothing else the shoulder caps are a little harder.

Sometimes your LHS will have a few pairs of older model shoulder pads laying around that you could check out. I know the peranis near me has an end cap overflowing with them.

That was going to be my recommendation as well-

Use the search to narrow down the type of pad you think you want, then find them on E-Bay. Lower end Itechs may be what you are looking for.

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Just recently I was shopping for about the same thing you are. I liked the Easton ST4's and probably would have bought them myself if they had the correct size. They seemed to be a decent pad for the money. Of course they are a more modern pad then than the 5030's and the Bauer classics.

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