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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bag repair - need suggestions

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Can someone here give me a few suggestions on how to fix my bag?

Here's the deal. I have this 'effing sweet Eagle bag, best equipment bag I have ever owned. Well, a few months back, my boxer got pissed off and chewed a big ass hole right in the top corner of the bag. Not just a little nibble - he took off the whole damn corner where the plastic piping holds the top and sides together.

I had to make a choice, dump the bag or the dog. They're both staying (for now..) So I want to know if anyone has ever tried to repair something like this. There is nothing left, except a gaping hole 4" x 4". I'm too damn cheap these days to go out and drop another $60 on a new one...especially with my 4 year old starting to play.

Any help on how to fix this, or what kind of shop might be able to repair it...would be greatly appreciated.

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Just go to a craft/fabric store and buy a small amount of polyester or whatever your bag is made out of. I use fishing line to sew equipment back together but nylon/wax thread will do the trick as stated above.

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