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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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NE MSHers up for a night of hockey and beer?

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+1 for NESC. Am I the only one who'd rather do it sooner than later?

I think NESC would work out

I am open to any time but would be out for Nov. 14-16th (Hockey Tourney)

I would have to give preference to the HF Board skate that we are trying to do again if this skate falls on the same day.....The HF skate will probably will fall through though. We were talking about doing it Nov 22nd. Not much of a response yet.

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I'd so be down for the 22nd. Right before the season starts, when I'm pretty much booked soild, I'll have to jump onto HF.

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the post is on the second page...Reidy started it

not much action right now...

It will be fun to skate with you again!

either this skate or the other

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I wouldn't know about the HF skate. I was politely asked to leave that board a couple of years back because I refused to drink the Kool-Ade on the B's and folks apparently don't like it if you don't blow smoke up the asses of the "insiders".

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It would be tough to delegate the work onto someone especially considering we don't have a destination set yet. If we were to set a place in the greater Boston area, I suppose I could try to set something up but if it is to be in Marlborough, somebody closer to Marlborough can take care of it.

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