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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Who's playing where this upcoming season? Who's heading to Winternats? Anybody here sticking with PIHA, or moving over to AIHL?

Discuss! :P

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i wish i was going to winter nationals but the acl surgery keeps me out of that, for torhs nationals in the summer im going with the canam stars for adult (defending champs) and team dangle in junior AA. then im going with team dangle to narch nationals in TO but im not sure what divison we would be playing

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ill be at narch and torhs winters.. torhs winters prob gonna make a team again with itan in jr AAA and narch jrs who knows.. prob gonna play with greasy joes and some other adult team, coach.. who knows

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We should probably get a list together and start a "sticky' topic. I know most of you guys don't go on IHC much, so something here would be nice, too.

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We should probably get a list together and start a "sticky' topic. I know most of you guys don't go on IHC much, so something here would be nice, too.

I think that the politics and bashing between leagues can stay on ihc and don’t need to come to this site as well.

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We should probably get a list together and start a "sticky' topic. I know most of you guys don't go on IHC much, so something here would be nice, too.

I think that the politics and bashing between leagues can stay on ihc and don’t need to come to this site as well.

No harm in a 'Player Directory', but I agree, I wouldn't want the BS to follow over to here....

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We should probably get a list together and start a "sticky' topic. I know most of you guys don't go on IHC much, so something here would be nice, too.

I think that the politics and bashing between leagues can stay on ihc and don’t need to come to this site as well.

No harm in a 'Player Directory', but I agree, I wouldn't want the BS to follow over to here....

Same with about 90% of the inline hockey websites. IHC has some awful stuff on it sometimes - worse is the TORHS forums and etc.

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eh, people just need to relax.... it's all for the growth of the sport.

TORHS v. NARCh, PIHA v. AIHL, it's all the same thing for the most part, because it's all about (or should be about) growing this sport.

Screw the BS.

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eh, people just need to relax.... it's all for the growth of the sport.

TORHS v. NARCh, PIHA v. AIHL, it's all the same thing for the most part, because it's all about (or should be about) growing this sport.

Screw the BS.

LOL...I dont know how long you have been involved with the various leagues, But trust me I have been around since the start, and it never fails you start a topic no matter the intention(player ID's, etc..) it always leads to "my league is better than your league"....I also say leave the BS behind, But for years and I mean YEARS people have been talking about the "growth" of the sport and while it has grown slowly the sport and all its various leagues come and go ...The same area's of the country have the support for PIHA and AIHL teams, but the majority of the cities that field teams one year disapper the next.....Not trying to bust your bubble or start some argument over where this sport is going, all Im saying is this topic has been talked dead many many times over.....But hey anything for the "growth" of the sport, right?

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eh, people just need to relax.... it's all for the growth of the sport.

TORHS v. NARCh, PIHA v. AIHL, it's all the same thing for the most part, because it's all about (or should be about) growing this sport.

Screw the BS.

LOL...I dont know how long you have been involved with the various leagues, But trust me I have been around since the start, and it never fails you start a topic no matter the intention(player ID's, etc..) it always leads to "my league is better than your league"....I also say leave the BS behind, But for years and I mean YEARS people have been talking about the "growth" of the sport and while it has grown slowly the sport and all its various leagues come and go ...The same area's of the country have the support for PIHA and AIHL teams, but the majority of the cities that field teams one year disapper the next.....Not trying to bust your bubble or start some argument over where this sport is going, all Im saying is this topic has been talked dead many many times over.....But hey anything for the "growth" of the sport, right?

I played for the NJ Riot in 02-03, and the Growl Organization in PIHA in '03, as well as Philly sting in '03-'04 (MLRH).

I've missed quite a bit since however, moving to Vegas and all.... but the animosity was still there back then, even between MLRH and PIHA. Hell, we (the Philly Sting) played an exhibition game against the Growl and it got pretty nasty, mostly stemming from the "my league is better" issue. It was always like that, and except for those of us who played both, it was never going to change.

So I know how it goes, but here's to hoping that one of these two leagues can finally pull it all together...

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eh, people just need to relax.... it's all for the growth of the sport.

TORHS v. NARCh, PIHA v. AIHL, it's all the same thing for the most part, because it's all about (or should be about) growing this sport.

Screw the BS.

LOL...I dont know how long you have been involved with the various leagues, But trust me I have been around since the start, and it never fails you start a topic no matter the intention(player ID's, etc..) it always leads to "my league is better than your league"....I also say leave the BS behind, But for years and I mean YEARS people have been talking about the "growth" of the sport and while it has grown slowly the sport and all its various leagues come and go ...The same area's of the country have the support for PIHA and AIHL teams, but the majority of the cities that field teams one year disapper the next.....Not trying to bust your bubble or start some argument over where this sport is going, all Im saying is this topic has been talked dead many many times over.....But hey anything for the "growth" of the sport, right?

I played for the NJ Riot in 02-03, and the Growl Organization in PIHA in '03, as well as Philly sting in '03-'04 (MLRH).

I've missed quite a bit since however, moving to Vegas and all.... but the animosity was still there back then, even between MLRH and PIHA. Hell, we (the Philly Sting) played an exhibition game against the Growl and it got pretty nasty, mostly stemming from the "my league is better" issue. It was always like that, and except for those of us who played both, it was never going to change.

So I know how it goes, but here's to hoping that one of these two leagues can finally pull it all together...

That has pretty much been my experiance as well....But I am with you on hoping a solid semi-pro league could be formed...

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