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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Heel Tape Wear...?

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For me personally, sticks that work properly for me lie wise are ones where the tape wear is roughly mid blade (a touch towards the heel) after a stick and puck session where I'm just passing and shooting a lot. I like my blade pretty flat on the ice for passing and shooting, same as most everyone.

In a game I think it's less reliable, because you're mostly just skating around with one hand on the stick, and only occasionally have the puck. Skating around with one hand on the stick, with the stick way in front of you, is always gonna cause heel tape wear (assuming you actually tape all the way to the heel).

So for me:

- tape wear during stick and pucks (when I almost always have the puck) is indicative of right/wrong lie (mid wear = right, heel wear = need lower lie)

- tape wear during games (when I almost always don't have the puck) is semi meaningless (it's always gonna be mostly heel wear)

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