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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vma 04

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What was the deal with Up With People coming out or whatever crappy band that was? Brutal. The singer looked like the guy from REO Speedwagon.

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I hate Outkast. How could anyone possibly like that retarded song, "Hey Yeah"? I mean here, this will make you mad: "Alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright."

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I thought the whole show sucked ass. I was waiting for something big at the end like last years guns n' roses, but it never came. The whole show sucked.

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Wasn't that two years ago? I only remember the faux lesbian three-way kiss between those skanks from last year's.

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I would have laughed sooo hard if Simple Plan would have won viewers choice, they were all screaming USA! USA! cause the announcers were chicks that had won medals at the Olympics but Linkin Park won so that broke the fun.

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Wasn't that two years ago?  I only remember the faux lesbian three-way kiss between those skanks from last year's.

No, it was last year i think. Because i think Jimmy Fallon was the host when the Lesbo saga happened, and i remember him introducing Guns N' Roses. I could be wrong though.

Edit- Mack is right Guns N' Roses was 02', Lesbo saga was last year. Irregardless, the 04 VMA's still officially sucked.

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It was almost like an election campaign, I bet that half of the people there think that P Diddy will be running for president.

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The show was in Miami this year probably because of the Republican conversion at the MSG.

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Much Music is much better than MTV I think. I personally think some of Hoobstank's song ar not bad, isn't it just a taste of music that you or what? The song "Hey Ya" is the most wrechid song I've ever heard so I'm against it.

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