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Anyone compared the Bauer XXXX and One90 shins?

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I was leaning towards the One90 shins since they seem to have good reviews but was curious if anyone has compared them to the Vapor XXXX shins. I don't like super-wide shin guards, which is why i'm staying away from the Reebok 9K shins. Currently using CCM V10.0 and hurt my knee pretty bad this weekend, so time to ditch them.

Any input is greatly appreciated!

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The XXXX are more narrow than the one90, and one of the more adjustable shinpads i've seen. If you wear a 14 in I have a brand new pair for you.

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I tried on the xxxx and one90 at the lhs, I was originally going to buy the xxxx before trying them on just because I thought they were the latest and greatest, but when I finally got in there the one90's seemed way more comfortable then everything else I tried, including the xxxx, went with one90 and no complaints whatsoever after three months of solid use.

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I've had the One/90's since mid summer and I find them very comfortable and protective. Taken a few screaming slappers on them and haven't felt any pain whatsoever. No problems with the cracking knee pad issue either. I was very weary of changing from my 8K's to them but I wanted a slimmer fitting pad and find the feel and fit of them much nicer than my RBK's. They sit closer and wrap tightly around your legs and give you a much more streamlined feel than the RBK shin pads. Nicely ventilated as well with the honeycomb calf and side knee tendon padding as well.

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I got One90's. I like them. Alot more narrow than the RBK's and eastons. Still tons of protection, and very comfortable

No Eastons are a pretty narrow shin pad.

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I got One90's. I like them. Alot more narrow than the RBK's and eastons. Still tons of protection, and very comfortable

No Eastons are a pretty narrow shin pad.

Oh, They seemed more wide than the One90s

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One complaint from customers is that the XXXX shin gets caught in their breezers. It has a flap up at the top that is a little rigid i guess you could say. I am not sure if they are being to picky or what the deal is, but both are good shin pads.

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