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Replace my Vapor XXX Lite Sticks

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I need to replace my prostock XXX lite sticks - they perfect and have served well but won't last much longer.

Which would be the most similar out of the XXXX or One95? I realise the XXXX should be the logical progression but searching on here on some of the One95 threads it seems that that may not be the case.

Thanks for any help.


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Personally I loved my XXX lite but when it snapped I went with a Dolomite and found the transition minimal, might be worth considering.

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Yeah, I went from an XXX-lite to a dolo too. Very nice transition. When that snapped I went to an xxxx, didn't really liked it, sold it, got another dolo. Yet I'm still considering trying out the One95.

Really though, If I can find an Original Easton Stealth, LH, 85 flex, Gaborik curve, I would give anything.

That stick and the xxx-lite were the two best sticks I've ever had.

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Not sure if you have made up your mind yet but, going from the XXXLite to a XXXX is rather depressing, not that the XXXX is a bad stick, it's just really different from the XXXLite.

And Draper is the Naslund curve

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I loved the XXX Lite, I really didn't like the XXXX although I have used it minimally. From what I've read, the XXXX hasn't had the best reviews.

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Not sure if you have made up your mind yet but, going from the XXXLite to a XXXX is rather depressing, not that the XXXX is a bad stick, it's just really different from the XXXLite.

And Draper is the Naslund curve

Great stuff, thanks.

Might have to try the Dolomite.

Just wish I could find a few RH XXX Lite P92.

I had seen average reviews of the XXXX already.

Thanks again.

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Personally I loved my XXX lite but when it snapped I went with a Dolomite and found the transition minimal, might be worth considering.

Agree, also went from a XXX lite to a dolomite easy transition

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there is no doubt that the XXX is different than the XXXX, but i certainly wouldn't call it depressing in the sense that IMHO, the puck feel and acceptance of passing is almost worlds better than the XXX....where the XXXX has it's drop-off is in the assistance from the stick when shooting the puck....however, in toning down my flex, i've found i've gotten enough out of the XXXX to want to continue purchasing the stick (went from consistently using the NBH 102 to an 87)...

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The XXX-Lite has gone the way of the XN10.

Just too expensive to make, which in turn leads to higher prices at retail.

And it just so happens those are my two favourite sticks of all time.

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Yeah, I went from an XXX-lite to a dolo too. Very nice transition. When that snapped I went to an xxxx, didn't really liked it, sold it, got another dolo. Yet I'm still considering trying out the One95.

Really though, If I can find an Original Easton Stealth, LH, 85 flex, Gaborik curve, I would give anything.

That stick and the xxx-lite were the two best sticks I've ever had.

I'm with you man, i wish i could get an original stealth again, in a sakic curve. Alot of people have suggested a U+ coming from XXX lite's though.

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the blade has what warrior call a 'spyne', which is supposed to improve accuracy because the blade stays straighter. its the same visual technology that was used on warriors kronik stick. as far as the kronik went, it was debatable how well it worked.

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