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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Building Backyard Rink

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I'm getting ready to build an outdoor rink, nothing big this year because i have some landscaping issues this year. I probably have room for 30x60. could you give me materials needed just for a basic rink and some tips.


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I'm getting ready to build an outdoor rink, nothing big this year because i have some landscaping issues this year. I probably have room for 30x60. could you give me materials needed just for a basic rink and some tips.


iamcanadian, My father and I have been buildind backyard rinks for the past 12 years so if you have any questions shoot me a PM. As far as materials go it is pretty simple. The liner that we use is from NiceRink, they have a few different liners to choose. The boards can be premade or you can build them. I believe the premade ones come with brackets so theyre fairly easy to put up. We built a set of boards that are the the same height as real rink boards, but is a little more complicated. If you want I can shoot you a PM with some pics and instructions and such.

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Make a wood frame, so that there is an edge around the perimeter. Reinforce by driving stakes into the ground - the weight of the water is going to try bend your perimeter.

Install a liner. This can be plastic or a tarp. basically anything that is waterproof.

Wait for a real cold snap, fill part way with water. Finish in small lifts of no more than 1/2 of an inch.

If there are bumps when you get to your desired thickness, use an ice breaker (for the driveway) to scrape down the high spots. If you get really anal about it and want perfect ice, take a piece of lumber and screw an old towel down to it and attach a handle. Use buckets of hot water and drag the ice with your homemade "groomer". you will have amazing ice.

Have fun.

Oh, one more tip. Flooding is a pain; a good scrape with a shovel will get your ice to about 90% perfect. If you flood, you are highly dependant upon temperature with an outdoor rink. If the sun is shining and it isn't that cold, your ice will take forever to firm up again.

Good luck and enjoy!

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