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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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old zoom airs question

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Did some searching didnt find any similar questions.

I have a pair of these


Long story short my son who is 3 is learning to ice and roller.

They have a free learn to roller on saturdays for the kids that I can skate at also. I kind of need to because he just turned three and needs his dad or he gets discouraged.

I was thinking about using these skates and just getting new wheels and bearings. My question is they seem heavy. Is it the chasis or the boot both or just the fact I am used to ice?

Is that chasis fine to use with new wheels or would a new chasis wheel combo be more effective?

I have a pair of mission xp95 sitting around I could convert also.

just looking for some guidance. Dont want to spend a ton of money

for the cost of wheels and bearings this almost seems like a better choice


sorry for the noob questions but I am not a roller guy.


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Hey there

I've converted 3 pairs of Nike Zooms and about to convert a 4th - see this thread for pics of mine http://www.modsquadhockey.com/forums/index...5&start=915

The boot itself is somewhat heavy, I have a pair of Tour Code Carbons and when I compare them, the Nikes are heavier.

However, if I were you, I'd switch out the crappy Nike chassis thats currently on them - it's also rather heavy. Best to get a Mission Hi-Lo or a labeda Hum'mer on it.

Those Nike's you have linked to look ok...but the Zoom's you have posted will get you noticed a little more as they are getting rather rare.

Depends really, those Nike's linked look a damn good deal for the price but I love my Zoom's so I am pretty biased.

I can't speak for the newer Nike boots, but my zooms have last me 10 years and never shown signs of failing.

Look for a Mission chassis on ebay or someone on here may even have ones on offer for you.

To be honest, if I were you I would just get myself some Rink Rat Hornet wheels or some Forumla G wheels on the cheap. Again, check ebay as some sellers do the wheels including decent bearings.

Again, I am pretty biased when it comes to these skates - some people hate them but for me no-one has ever matched the "look" of these skates.

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I should make clear I am in no way obsessed with these skates. They have been sitting for many years. I was only debating them as they are in my hand.

That said the ones at HG are in my size and pretty cheap. It almost seems not worth it to upgrade them when you base the cost of the new skates vs the cost of the upgrade. My concearn on the NBH is that I have found CCM Tacks and Eastons to be my preferred width. I am guessing these boots may be a little tight like other NBH I have tried on recently. Does anyone know if these fit the same or are a little wider then current NBH One series skates?

I will agree they are tanks for roller which is probally why Kanyas have lasted so long. They just feel heavy as hell when I pick them up or try to skate on them. Like wearing ankle weights.

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Yeah I know Zoom Air is incorrect, but a little easier than referring to em all by model :)

I can't explain my obsession for these skates, probably some childhood "thing"

I couldn't use them for rollerhockey after getting my code carbons!!

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