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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Full Metal Jacket

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I was a big fan of A Clockwork Orange and of Eyes Wide Shut and I saw Full Metal Jacket the other day, what a great movie!! I am thinking about buying the Stanley Kubrick Collection with all the DVD's. Just the way it's detailled, the boot camp, the Vietnam war, everything is just perfect in that movie. It was funny to hear about the duality of men cause I learned that last year in my psychology class. Anyone else saw it and your thoughts?

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Full Metal Jacket is a great movie and Kubrick is probably my favorite director however I can't recomend the collection. Almost all (if not all) of the DVDs are formatted and not in the original widescreen aspect ratio which IMO is a must for a Kubrick movie. BTW... if you havn't seen them Dr. Strangelove, 2001, and The Shining are every bit as good if not better then A Clockwork Orange. I hated Eyes Wide Shut though so YMMV...

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Very very awsome movie, in the top 10 of my collection and some of the most memorable quotes ever.

A quick funny related story is me and 2 buddies were driving home from a hockey game and I had the laptop in my truck, we were watching full metal jacket, volume loud keep in mind. As soon as we pulled up to the toll the guy said 50cents and it was at the part where the movie said "The best part of you ran down your moms crack and endid up a stain on the mattress" needless to say we got a very dirty look and couldnt stop laughing.

Best Quote:

Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Do I make you nervous?

Private Cowboy: Sir?

Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: "Sir" what? Were you about to call me an ASSHOLE?

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I hated Eyes Wide Shut though

I likd Eyes Wide Shut because of the sexual vision of it, it's a good movie to watch with a chick after a couple of months of dating, it's not porn like, it's more because of the excitement, the fear beeing cought and the secret that everyone is hidding, the hot naked chicks help but that movie excites me but in a more mental way lol.

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Full Metal Jacket is an amazing movie, especially how it's pretty much two movies in one. I'm more a fan of the basic training half myself.

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I think Thats what makes it great, it goes from comedy- to drama- to action.

On a side note the man who played Sargent Hartman was'nt supossed to be in the movie. He was just there to show the actor how a real drill sargent acts and he would just go off on a tandom insulting people. The director decided to go with him and some of the scenes they just let him go off on people unscripted.

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