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Sherwood 5030 Shoulder Pads

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I hate making topics like this, I feel stupid, but does anyone use 5030 shoulder pads in competitive hockey?

I play high school hockey and in my league there's not many players bigger than me (6'1" 190lbs). I pretty much never block shots and the hitting in my league is terrible. I hit kids without shoulder pads at captain's practice and feel fine. Two LHSs told me not to buy them though but I figure if there's NHL players that wear them I should be fine. Is there a good chance that I could get seriously hurt wearing these? like a bad shoulder injury?

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My worry would be be a jammed shoulder if you get hit just right b/c of the way the cap is made. If you want that style of sp, find a pair of the pro stock nike bauer ones.

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My worry would be be a jammed shoulder if you get hit just right b/c of the way the cap is made. If you want that style of sp, find a pair of the pro stock nike bauer ones.

I know 5-6 guys in minor pro who use them and another 2-3 who were asking for them.

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If you can find them in your size, you could also look at the Itech SP50's. Same low-profile design, but they have a sternum/back protector. The shoulders might be a little bigger because they have some padding underneath. They're removable though if you don't like them, which is really nice to have. I don't play with the shoulders on mine, just the chest piece. I thought about buying the 5030's, but I feel more secure with something over my sternum and back.

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just want to add,

those guys playing semi pro and in the show are PAID (as in it is their livelihood) to have their bodies in peak physical condition. Having well developed muscles and being in great shape go a long way in the prevention of injury...if you feel you have a body strong enough to take the bumps and bruises that come along with wearing a pad like that (because there certainly will be) than go for it. just know that some shit is going to hurt with those on

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Well I have been using Farrels without the shoulder caps on them and just got a separated shoulder in my last game from throwing a hit. Guy was my size. So...yeah not the safest option, but I think you would be fine for the most part.

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Well I have been using Farrels without the shoulder caps on them and just got a separated shoulder in my last game from throwing a hit. Guy was my size. So...yeah not the safest option, but I think you would be fine for the most part.

Got two guys in Farrells, they both love them and haven't had any shoulder problems.

Go for what feels comfortable and fits your frame best. Just like any other piece of equipment, there's a risk of injury with any brand really.

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just to follow up with a reccomendation...i just tried on the new CCM V08 pads and WOW those are low profile if anything is...just putting it out there

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Well I have been using Farrels without the shoulder caps on them and just got a separated shoulder in my last game from throwing a hit. Guy was my size. So...yeah not the safest option, but I think you would be fine for the most part.

Got two guys in Farrells, they both love them and haven't had any shoulder problems.

Go for what feels comfortable and fits your frame best. Just like any other piece of equipment, there's a risk of injury with any brand really.

It's not the first problem I've heard about with those pads. They are not as protective as some people claim them to be.

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Well I have been using Farrels without the shoulder caps on them and just got a separated shoulder in my last game from throwing a hit. Guy was my size. So...yeah not the safest option, but I think you would be fine for the most part.

Got two guys in Farrells, they both love them and haven't had any shoulder problems.

Go for what feels comfortable and fits your frame best. Just like any other piece of equipment, there's a risk of injury with any brand really.

It's not the first problem I've heard about with those pads. They are not as protective as some people claim them to be.

I've read about problems too, which is why I talked to them for a while about the pads. They were both very happy with them.

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Truthfully I think those are fine as long as you're aware of what you're wearing. I wore something along the line of these in an adult version when I played contact. http://stlouis.craigslist.org/spo/915630890.html

Granted my league wasn't too rough, but those got the job done. I've always hated shoulder pads and went with the smallest I could find. As long as you don't play like an idiot I think the 5030s would be fine. If you're confident in them, why not wear them?

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the shoulder pads suck on them, stiff and dont wrap at all, i almost broke my shoulder taking a puck behind the shoulder pad wearing them..............for me shinny/pickup only

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That farrell design sucks imo bc it has nothing to disperse an impact, it just seems to dampen them at the point. The other big flaw I see are all the gaps in the padding in between the blocks. They'd be a hell of a lot better if the caps weren't an afterthought and they put a sheet of some sort of hd foam as a base inside.

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you guys are crazy! what about hitting the post with your collarbone or crushing into the boards? you can be tripped or pushed into back, this is not about hitting only.

I go with S19, they are great, very comfortable and low profiled as well.

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I just got some CCM U+Pro shoulder pads. Very nice. Really low profile shoulder and cuffs formed nicely with a neat attachment design. Good mobility. Nice not having a giant shoulder cup in your face taking a face-off. I noticed in the HBO 24/7 series this year that ALOT of the guys were wearing them. I'd definitely recommend them.

As for the the 5030's, a friend plays senior AA and tells me a good number of guys there wear them.

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I wore them in an ECHL camp and had my shoulder separated from a blind check.

I wouldn't recommend them, unless your a beast.

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