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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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utter disgrace

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0-16, a disgrace or a triumph?


what really got screwed up this season was the 11-5 Patriots missing the playoffs. it seems that all of the other teams are just to good for the lions.

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  dcdot377 said:
0-16, a disgrace or a triumph?


what really got screwed up this season was the 11-5 Patriots missing the playoffs. it seems that all of the other teams are just to good for the lions.

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Detroit may have lost 16...but they did score some points. Teams like Buffalo and Cleveland could've looked a lot better with a few of those 2-3 touchdown games.

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will the end has come. but will it make a differance going forward? well atleast they got in the hall of fame. i wonder if the 78 bucs are celebrating now that they arent the worst team in the history of the nfl.

next year the nfl will give out the william clay ford trophy to the worst team in honor of the lions owner.

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  mrusse01 said:
The thing is, I don't even think they are the worst team in the NFL right now, the Browns look HORRIBLE.
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Cleveland's offense hasn't scored a touchdown in 24 quarters. Think about that. If those two teams played next week, the Lions would easily beat them.

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