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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I know more than most of the staff does.. LOL. The Windsor Peranis has about 2 out of 15 knowledgable people there, the owner(barely) and a girl (she plays the game) im pretty sure the rest are dumbass's

They sound a Hell of a lot like the staff at Great Skate. There is one guy who I can think of right now who knows his shit - the rest don't know a skate blade from a stick blade. I guess I shouldn't complain so much, though; I usually know what I want before I get in there, so I don't really require much help. But it still makes me laugh.

BTW: If any of you guys (and girl) are ever in the area and have the opportunity to stop by Great Skate, always try to check the prices online before you head in. There have been about five times that I have gone to check-out and they tried to charge me around $5 more than the online advertised price. Last year I picked up an Easton pro-stock wood blade for 2048; online it said $6, they tried to get me to pay $18. They're never ass-holes about it; just have them look it up and they'll give you the online price - but if you're not careful you'll get screwed.

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