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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pain During The Game

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I have two pulled groins , a twisted up knee and a suuuper sore foot during icetimes now ,what do you suggest for painkillers? ANYTHING ill do ANTHING except dope to feal better out on the ice ,today at home 20 mins before hockey i stretched ,jogged on the spot ,did quick feet for 30 seconds ,25 jumping jacks ,30 seconds of high knees and 30 seconds of kick your butts and then i get to the rink and my team starts doing it so i stretched and did the exercises twice ,then we get on the ice and we do more stretches....could i have over stretched ,my groins were pulled before the ice time too.im in the middle of tryouts and ever ice time is getting worse,,,,,any painkillers i can take before the game?

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motrin 800? would one of those make you drowsy? and ill try resting ,my mom told me to jog for the days i have off ,but that would do more harm than good?

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With your groin, I wouldn't do a damn thing until that's healed. Even if you don't feel the pain when you play, the damage will continue to take its toll and get worse. You need to let that heal or it'll nag you for far too long.

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If you really feel the need to play in your shape, put some icy-hot in the injured areas. It just hides the pain so you could end up doing more damage by skating on it.

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At this point in the season, I can't see any reason why you should be playing if you are that sore. You have the entire year ahead of you; if you skate now, who the Hell knows what is going to end up happening...You need to take some time off so you'll be set to go before you go away to a tournament or something. Hell, it's September. If it was playoff time I would tell you to suck it up and get on the f*cking ice. But there aren't a whole lot of big games you have to play in this time of year.

Good luck with whatever you decide to do. I hope everything turns out okay.

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i did suck it up ,i skated my rear off for 45 minutes through harsh pain ,i have to ,its tryouts ,if it was just practices and exhibitions then id rest but its tryouts so i skate through it ,i have a few days to get better anyways.

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You're having tryouts NOW? Well, no matter what time of year it is, I suppose that puts a new spin on things. I guess you really didn't have a choice. Jeez, when do you guys start your season?

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