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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Suggestions on new gloves

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I currently have a pair of 12" supreme 50 gloves but the palms are starting to get holes. I like a tight fitting glove and have narrowed down my selection to either vapor xxxx, xxv, or supreme 70. Do they make a one90 glove in 12"? Anyone here have either one of those gloves that can comment on them?

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I just bought the supreme 70 yesterday in a 14" and used them in a game last night. They felt great, very lightweight, good snug fit, and well ventillated as well. I must say that I did try on a pair of RBK 6k's and they felt great. If the price was the same, I may have gotten them instead.

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i have used the supreme 70 and would suggest thoughs if you like a snug fit as well (i find em pretty ugly but w/e thats just my 2 cents) idk about the vapor xxv and vapor xxxx but i have the vapor xvi and they are comfy and nice looking but i dont find em to be the snuggest of fit

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If you like the Supremes you're using now I'd say stick with the same line and go for the Supreme 70s. I have One90s and love them and really enjoy the snug fit. Palm will be the same I believe on the 70s but you'll go one step up on the protection going from the 50s to 70s.

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I currently have a pair of 12" supreme 50 gloves but the palms are starting to get holes. I like a tight fitting glove and have narrowed down my selection to either vapor xxxx, xxv, or supreme 70. Do they make a one90 glove in 12"? Anyone here have either one of those gloves that can comment on them?

Why not get them repalmed if you like the gloves?

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