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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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120 flex pro stock shafts? Hockey monkey doesn't have them anymore

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all the prostock 120 cyclones and uls i used to have were all 54" of shaft alone. i rocked the 120s for a couple seasons. those things were tanks. never broke a single one.

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to the OP, im 6'4" and 195 lbs. I'm using 100 flex easton synergy elites right now, and im thinking of trying an 85 flex. (i want it to flex more for more power in wristers and snapshots)

and if your 6'3 your stick is only like 3 inches shorter than you... what is it at your eyes? thats fucking tall. Whatever works for you i guess. mine sits just under my chin with skates on.

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what I've found over the years, starting off young with stiff sticks (way too stiff, I was small and uneducated) that it is mostly in your head. If you're used to a stiff stick, a flexier one seems "weaker" almost, and uncomfortable..because it's different, you can get used to anything with time. Also as others stated, some sticks mostly ops, feel flexier than some other stick in the same flex because of their kickpoint. That being said if you're comfortable with them, continue to use them...alot of good players use stiffer sticks.

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to the OP, im 6'4" and 195 lbs. I'm using 100 flex easton synergy elites right now, and im thinking of trying an 85 flex. (i want it to flex more for more power in wristers and snapshots)

and if your 6'3 your stick is only like 3 inches shorter than you... what is it at your eyes? thats fucking tall. Whatever works for you i guess. mine sits just under my chin with skates on.

It's like just above my mouth

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