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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Silly shaft question...?

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I recently plucked a Sherwood RM9 shaft out of the garbage at a local rink. The blade had been sawn off apparently, but I picked it up because it was a 95 flex and already cut to the perfect length. The problem is the walls of teh shaft get thicker towards where the blade once was, so a new blade wouldn't fit in there. I've heard people say "well just flip the shaft!," but don't composite sticks have focused flex points that would get mucked up by flipping it? is it a good idea to rout the shaft at the bottom so a blade would fit? thanks.

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You can chisel out the epoxy or cut up the slightest bit and try and get past it. You can flip the shaft- it just will perform like a standard shaft. IIRC, the taper on the Rm9 is rather short so I'd suggest against cutting up and try chiseling it out first.

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Free shaft? Go nuts. Worst case you end up where you were before you found it. Or flip it and use it for a backup, off ice training stick, etc etc.

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I've cut and filed an Easton Si-Core and original Stealth with great success. Both have turned into great shafts. I have to agree with Konig von Kuhlem though, it took a long time and lots of elbow grease.

Edit: I used a file, not a chisel.

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