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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sydney, Australia for New Years

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Joshy 207 and I will be in Sydney Australia for New Years. Are there any other members that will be around and might want to hook up for a Beer or has any recommendations of somewhere good to hang out?

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Kings Cross... thats where all the strip clubs are... just kidding.

Not sure if there is someone in Sydney... Aussie Joe is in Melbourne, and I'm in Perth.

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  fatwabbit said:
Kings Cross... thats where all the strip clubs are... just kidding.

Not sure if there is someone in Sydney... Aussie Joe is in Melbourne, and I'm in Perth.

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ya, i'll be avoiding the red light district, with all the DUDES dresses as chicks!!!

i have heard about an all day music fest on new years day that i might try to hit, but just not sure what the plan is for new years eve.

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I'm in Melbourne, sorry guys!

And as a warning, if you want to go to one of the all day music events on New Years Day you'd better contact whomever you're meeting in Aus. as the tickets to these things sell out quick.

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