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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Baking Oven

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I just opened a proshop and the reps are a pain to get a hold of. So, I was hoping that you fellow MSH'ers could help. What I'm looking for is a skate baking oven, any kind really but I'd like a mission or a bauer.

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just a little heads up...they're all basically the same, esp the Manufacturers' branded ovens. Some may offer temp control..but not really needed unless you got $ to burn, and if that's the case, pm me :P

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Thanks for the number, you would think that if someone wanted to buy something from them the nubers would be everywhere, and JR you can hold on to the 2-ply for now I may need it later tho. :lol:

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Does anyone know the number for Bauer costomer servic. Its not on there web site, unless Im not looking in the right spot.

When I asked www.hockey2.com for Bauer CS number they gave me 888-509-6875 too

PS: I'm afraid www.hockey2.com is no more though, which shouldn't matter in your case

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