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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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supreme 70's kill my heels

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It feels like they aren't smooth by the heels as if they were made wrong, there is a ridge right around my heel bone, it's parallel to the skate blade. I managed to make it a bit better with a heat gun and a hammer but I can't get the ridge on the side, I Guess I'll have to get them punched

Has anyone else experience this? It's pretty painful

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I had fitted a pair of skates that seemed fine until I hit the ice. I had nearly unbearable pain from each foot at a spot just below and ahead of the inside ankle bone. I skated right off the ice and unlaced them. Then walked across the street to a skate shop and had them baked plus punched out a small area on each boot. Let them cool outside in the cold air for a time and then went right to the ice. They fit like gloves now. It's amazing what can be done to a new pair of skates.

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It feels like they aren't smooth by the heels as if they were made wrong, there is a ridge right around my heel bone, it's parallel to the skate blade. I managed to make it a bit better with a heat gun and a hammer but I can't get the ridge on the side, I Guess I'll have to get them punched

Has anyone else experience this? It's pretty painful

One of my customers had same problem. His feet are kinda on the flat side. The funny thing is that he spent about 7 hours in the shop the next day trying on all pairs of One90s in same size I had. I had to go and left him stay there all by himself for a couple of hours. I took his baked and sharpened skates back. He is going to be using them for recreational skating only. No matter how hard I tried to, I could not talk him out of buying more skates than he needed evenwhen he was buying the original 70s

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The thing is they felt good untill after a few weeks of use

I skate like 5 times a week so it's quite a bit of use though

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You might need to go to Reeboks. They have the wider heel in them and a pair with a pump will keep your heel in place if the heel is too loose but if sounds like you have a wide enough heel that you might not need a pump model.

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