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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Did a quick search and didn't come up with anything. Maybe I just missed it and this can be closed, but has anyone tried one of these. I bought one today ($20) and it looks cool but I use the world famous Miraclestone (far less than $20) but I'm a sucker for gagets...

Here is a pic so everyone knows what I'm talking about. If I don't hear anything I'll report back...the package says they've been around since '97 so I'll be surprised if nobody has put this through its paces.

Just checking to see if it's worth $20 before I use it... ;)


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DO NOT USE IT. Sharpens the outside of your edge and ruins them. Every time you get a real sharpening you will get a lot more steel ground off. Consider it a temporary fix with long-term reprocussions.

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Well in design it's the same as the Sweetstik and they are used in the NHL as a quick fix for a nick or lost edge, but unless you are getting sharpenings betwee periods I really recommend against it.

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that's what I'm talking about...I love this site...thanks for the fast input...I'll put it in my bag of misfit toys...

did I miss discussion on this in the past?

I guess I could've saved my 20 bucks...lol

Edit - by the way Cam the only thing offended is my wallet. Thanks for the input and saving me from screwing up my blades.

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that's what I'm talking about...I love this site...thanks for the fast input...I'll put it in my bag of misfit toys...

did I miss discussion on this in the past?

I guess I could've saved my 20 bucks...lol

It's been discussed as "Sweet Stick" in the past. I have one...although I dont use it anymore...I keep it in my bag because other people keep asking to borrow it. Even though it feel like a new edge...it's not.

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ohh well here is a knock off...I guess it has the same poor results <_<

Even though it feel like a new edge...it's not.

interesting...maybe I'll have to try it on an old pair of skates just to see what it does...I never learn

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It's funny. The graphic they use to describe how it works also shows why it doesn't:


So, as Drew said...when you get your next sharpen...look how much steel needs to be removed to get back to 'true' edges.

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I'm glad we brought this back up...we saved you and your teams blades...

The sad thing is, a lot of guys don't care. As long as it feels "better" to them, they're happy. Combine that with sharpeners that don't have a clue and you have a recipe for disaster with your blades.

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It's funny. The graphic they use to describe how it works also shows why it doesn't:


So, as Drew said...when you get your next sharpen...look how much steel needs to be removed to get back to 'true' edges.

No "extra" steel is removed when sharpening after a sweet stick use! That's a bunch of BS. If someone has some proof that more steel is removed, please post it.

People have been using Sweet Sticks and clones for years with excellent results. The Sweet stick works fine for those who want to refresh between sharpenings. Being one who loses money from people who use sweet sticks, I can say it works, and it serves it's purpose, getting people a few more skates in between sharpenings.

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It's funny. The graphic they use to describe how it works also shows why it doesn't:

So, as Drew said...when you get your next sharpen...look how much steel needs to be removed to get back to 'true' edges.

No "extra" steel is removed when sharpening after a sweet stick use! That's a bunch of BS. If someone has some proof that more steel is removed, please post it.

People have been using Sweet Sticks and clones for years with excellent results. The Sweet stick works fine for those who want to refresh between sharpenings. Being one who loses money from people who use sweet sticks, I can say it works, and it serves it's purpose, getting people a few more skates in between sharpenings.

If you don't take away all of the steel up to the point where the edges start to angle in, you won't have true edges. I've also seen uneven pressure applied and one edge is angled more than the other. That has led to problems with a less than talented skate sharpener giving someone uneven edges because they just sharpened and didn't square the edges. When I was doing a couple hundred pair of skates a week, I could pick out the sweet stick users every time.

The only non-destructive use for a sweet stick is along the side of the blade, just like a stone.

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jimmy...If SS rounds/rolls the outer edge in, doesn't it have to be ground down (or whatever the technical, sharpening term is) to get a square outside edge again?

I'm not trying to start an argument (I don't sharpen for a living)...I'm just trying to understand the process. I always thought it 'freshened' the edge as well...but after having it explained to me (using this picture) I figured damage, or at the very least excessive/premature wear was coming from using it...

The only non-destructive use for a sweet stick is along the side of the blade, just like a stone.

If I use it at all now...that's what I do.

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It doesn't take any more effort or any additional passes to sharpen a skate that's been sweet- sticked or on one that hasn't. The "myth" that more steel needs to be removed is a myth, probably spread by Sweet-Stick competitors.

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It doesn't take any more effort or any additional passes to sharpen a skate that's been sweet- sticked or on one that hasn't. The "myth" that more steel needs to be removed is a myth, probably spread by Sweet-Stick competitors.

With the minimal amount it removes I'd probably agree. But my issue with those is that if you don't have a perfectly steady hand and eye, you get uneven angles on the side and your blade will be screwed up.

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