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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Advice

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HI i'm in the market for some new skates for my bro playing Bantam AAA. He currently uses the Graf G35. He wants the s15(or possibly the upcoming s17) because of the weight. Im totally against this purchase because of all the durability issues. He is heavy on his feet(though only 155lbs) and has almost destroyed the g35 in less than 2 seasons. What would be some skates to look at considering the fact that he wants something light but I want something that is durable. I must also add that he has flat feet, so I'm guessing a wide skate would be something to look at. Any ideas as to where I can get pro skates rather than the retail versions in Toronto, ON? I've read in the s15 skate reviews in this forum that the pro skates are available and the reviewer noted that they were more durable than the previously owned retail version.

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if he has flat feet, look to an insole or orthotic that is going to help keep his footin the neutral position, not allow it to splay out.

if you are concerned about S15 durability issues, it appears that all issues in the past have been addressed in the S17.

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Bantam AAA player destroying skates in 2 seasons is already pretty good.

Worry not about the S17. The improvement over the S15 is quite amazing and the durability shouldn't be too big of a concern.

As Schremp said, get some insoles in there - Superfeet are probably the best addition you can get to skates.

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I was pushing the new 9k on him because of the improvement on weight reduction and the phenomenal durability. Any thoughts on whether this would be a good option?

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The skates that you mention are both deep and wide, while the G35 is narrow in the heel, wider at the toe, and not very deep at all.

If the G35s fit him, those two skates likely will not. I think that you need to get his feet to a good store and try a bunch on.

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We went to the store and he tried out quite a bit of skates. The 9k, U+, and XXXX all in regular width felt too large on his feet. The S15 and the ONE95 fit him well, but because of the durability he most likely will be taking the ONE95. He tried them out with the Superfeet. Any one have any issues with these skates as far as fit after using it for a while?

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Yes, Easton made some good improvements to the line. The first is the wear tab placed on the boot right behind the toe cap. Almost all previous "problems" started in this location and spread to the rest of the sidewall. No more. Also, the new toe cap seems to be very durable. I've been sharpening a junior player (who has the new model) for the past few months and it still is in great shape.

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the black material around the quarters does not have a leather like appearance, but instead has a line texture to it. feels almost like a hologram card.very difficult for me to describe.

the toe material also appears to be thicker

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