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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skull Caps, do you wear one?

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I wear a UA one with mesh top with my NBH 8500, works extremely well, keeps sweat out of my eyes.. I forgot it once, forgot how bad having sweat in my eyes all the time sucked :)

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i just stole a headband from my sister and i wear thay under my helmet and it works great it keeps the sweat out of my face.

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Need advice for my three year old.

He has fairly long hair and when hes skating he gets itchy head. More when he is at rollerhockey class then at ice so I am guessing its a heat issue.

Will a skull cap help here or any advice on what to try here.

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Need advice for my three year old.

He has fairly long hair and when hes skating he gets itchy head. More when he is at rollerhockey class then at ice so I am guessing its a heat issue.

Will a skull cap help here or any advice on what to try here.

Don't think a skull cap will help that much because most of them are designed to pull moisture away from the head and absorb it.

On the original topic, I can't play without my UnderArmour cap anymore. First game with it on I was hooked. Keeps my visor dry and my helmet extra snug.

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Need advice for my three year old.

He has fairly long hair and when hes skating he gets itchy head. More when he is at rollerhockey class then at ice so I am guessing its a heat issue.

Will a skull cap help here or any advice on what to try here.

Don't think a skull cap will help that much because most of them are designed to pull moisture away from the head and absorb it.

On the original topic, I can't play without my UnderArmour cap anymore. First game with it on I was hooked. Keeps my visor dry and my helmet extra snug.

They should make a hockey-specific one with silicone grip pads to help keep the helmet from moving without having to adjust the helmet too tightly.

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Need advice for my three year old.

He has fairly long hair and when hes skating he gets itchy head. More when he is at rollerhockey class then at ice so I am guessing its a heat issue.

Will a skull cap help here or any advice on what to try here.

Don't think a skull cap will help that much because most of them are designed to pull moisture away from the head and absorb it.

On the original topic, I can't play without my UnderArmour cap anymore. First game with it on I was hooked. Keeps my visor dry and my helmet extra snug.

They should make a hockey-specific one with silicone grip pads to help keep the helmet from moving without having to adjust the helmet too tightly.

semi related - the UA style vapor shirts sold by Bauer do have grip material on the sleeves/pant legs, I'm assuming to help keep your elbow pads where they're suppose to be. Adding a little stickum to the rims of a skull cap would be a great idea.

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I went and bought him and under armor skull cap today. The one with out a top piece.

Going to try it tomorrow. While he loved it i dont think its gonna work. He was itching his forehead when he put it on. To give an idea his hair is to his eyebrows in the front and almost shoulders in the back. He calls it his hockey hair and likes it long so cutting it is out.

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