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Synergy SE16 durability issues?

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i'm new here but i've been lurking on and off for the last coupla years. so here's a bit of history first. just getting back into the game after a roughly 7 year layoff. my last pair of skates were ccm 852's, and to be honest, i was never really thrilled with how they fit overall. my feet are small but a bit on the wider side...wider than most but not as wide as many others i've seen. i do have a decent sized arch, but i've always liked skates with flatter arches as i typically get soreness from a pressure point right toward in my arch towards the ball of my foot at the big toe.

i grew up using bauer supremes, which also never truly fit me right, but i just sorta lived with it.

now i've been looking for new skates and keep seeing easton, rbk and ccm mentioned for people with wide feet and flat arches. that's what brings me to the se16's as i've seen that they're going on closeout at a lot of places. i'm not one who wants to buy a pair of skates every year, so i'd like them to last a few years. i've never really been incredibly hard on skates and really only plan on playing some pick-up and adult league, but still, i'd like them to be able to hold over a few seasons at least. what concerns me is that i've been hearing rumblings about durability issues with the se16's sorta like with the ccm u+, which is supposedly the reason the new white version is out.

can anyone tell me if the durability issues with the se16's are indeed true? if so, then i'll be looking elsewhere. maybe those 9k seconds if they have my size(still gotta try them on somewhere). as a footnote, i did try on a pair of vapor XXV's(i know, it sorta goes against the grain for wider feet), but i gotta say, i was surprised at how well the regular width fit. granted, they were still a bit narrow and i would be better off with the EE's, but surprised nonetheless.

hopefully you haven't written me off for my first long-winded post, haha.

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welcome to the site that feeds the gear whore in all of us

as far as the xxv i have them and love them. came from 5000 that were 10years old.

the bestthing to do with geting new skates is try as many pairs on as possible and always try to buy from you lhs.

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welcome to the site that feeds the gear whore in all of us

as far as the xxv i have them and love them. came from 5000 that were 10years old.

the bestthing to do with geting new skates is try as many pairs on as possible and always try to buy from you lhs.

thanks for the welcome! i figured this would be a natural progression as i'm already a golf equipment ho as well, but started playing hockey well before i ever picked up a golf club.

you talkin' about the 5000 comps? lol, those were the last skates i had before i replaced them with the 852's. they were ok, but like most of my other past skates, never really fit me right either.

like i said, i was kinda surprised that the XXV's were ridiculously tight on my foot after everything i've been reading on here.

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i figured this would be a natural progression as i'm already a golf equipment ho as well

Hello Twin!!

I assume jrhky is referencing the Bauer 5000 Supremes, but I don't know for sure. Easton skates have had some well documented durability issues on this board, specifically their top-of-the-line S15s. You might want to PM eric424242 (some set of numbers along those lines) about his issues. I'm not sure if Easton fixed the durability issues with the SE16, but I know their second generation S15s were much better than the first. Definitely taking a step in the right direction.

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i figured this would be a natural progression as i'm already a golf equipment ho as well

Hello Twin!!

I assume jrhky is referencing the Bauer 5000 Supremes, but I don't know for sure. Easton skates have had some well documented durability issues on this board, specifically their top-of-the-line S15s. You might want to PM eric424242 (some set of numbers along those lines) about his issues. I'm not sure if Easton fixed the durability issues with the SE16, but I know their second generation S15s were much better than the first. Definitely taking a step in the right direction.

thanks for the tip! equipment ho'ing is an addiction no matter what sport :P

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Yes, I've also heard a few horror stories regarding the S-15's but I've had my Synergy 1300C's for over two years now and their showing some wear but are still going strong. I guess it depends what batch you where lucky enough to get. We won't know about the SE16's for at least a year as far as endurance issues are concerned but from the reports I've seen so far they seem to be holding up a bit better than their S15 cousins. I really feel uncomfortable recommending any make of skate to people because it could come back and bite you the behind later on. My recommendation is ask around a bit and see which skates seem to be working well for your fellow players and try on the ones on with the better durability records. Just remember though, fit is everything so go with the ones that feel the best.

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i figured this would be a natural progression as i'm already a golf equipment ho as well

Hello Twin!!

I assume jrhky is referencing the Bauer 5000 Supremes, but I don't know for sure. Easton skates have had some well documented durability issues on this board, specifically their top-of-the-line S15s. You might want to PM eric424242 (some set of numbers along those lines) about his issues. I'm not sure if Easton fixed the durability issues with the SE16, but I know their second generation S15s were much better than the first. Definitely taking a step in the right direction.

yes they are 5000 supremes. did you try a "ee" width in the xxv?

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i figured this would be a natural progression as i'm already a golf equipment ho as well

Hello Twin!!

I assume jrhky is referencing the Bauer 5000 Supremes, but I don't know for sure. Easton skates have had some well documented durability issues on this board, specifically their top-of-the-line S15s. You might want to PM eric424242 (some set of numbers along those lines) about his issues. I'm not sure if Easton fixed the durability issues with the SE16, but I know their second generation S15s were much better than the first. Definitely taking a step in the right direction.

yes they are 5000 supremes. did you try a "ee" width in the xxv?

no...and that's what surprised me. i tried on the regular width. although the regular width did feel snug, i felt if i had just a touch more width i'd be fine. unfortunately, the shops around here don't carry e width skates so i wasn't able to try them on for comparison. but i'm pretty optimistic that the xxv in ee may be the ticket...again, surprisingly.

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