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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sherwood 2009 Equipment Line

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Based on Sherwood's bankruptcy, are they expected to release a new line of equipment in 2009? If so, is a catalog expected to be out any time soon? I'm curious about what, if anything, will replace the comp/taper shaft and would also like to see if they will be selling any nylon classic 4 roll gloves. I also hope the wood tapered 950 blades will hold on for another year. Any insights from industry insiders would be appreciated.

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I'd also like to know how the TPS buyout/merger/whatever is going to effect them going forward. I know it's been said that they only got the TPS name in the deal and not the tech. Will we know more soon now that the spring buying season is approaching?

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I'd also like to know how the TPS buyout/merger/whatever is going to effect them going forward. I know it's been said that they only got the TPS name in the deal and not the tech. Will we know more soon now that the spring buying season is approaching?

I've heard from somebody working for SWD that they "got everything [from TPS]."

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I have heard that there is a full line coming with the TPS name, contrary to all published reports regarding the sale. We will talk to the guys at SWD/TPS in Vegas on Tuesday or Wednesday and get the information posted as soon as is practical.

As for SWD going bankrupt, they were purchased by an investment group. They have money and I would expect some new product this year.

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I was talking to our Sherwood rep about 1 month or so ago and he said he had just recieved his 09 TPS samples. He said it looks like a pretty solid line, but who knows?

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I was talking to our Sherwood rep about 1 month or so ago and he said he had just recieved his 09 TPS samples. He said it looks like a pretty solid line, but who knows?

doesn't matter how solid a line looks if it can't get delivered!!!

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