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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Superfeet or Shock Doctors?

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Since it hasn't been answered yet I'll answer... buy the insoles in your foot/sneaker size not the skate size. They will need to be trimmed to fit but you want the arch to be fitted properly so go with your shoe size.

I picked up a pair of those Sole insoles and gave them a go at open hockey last week... first impressions, quality made insole with a ton more support and stiffness under the arch than expected, the heat molding is a great feature. Downside, they're huge. These things were almsot twice as wide as my superfeet insoles.

Because the Sole insoles are pretty wide, I think your better off choosing the size closest to the skate size. The arch is a bit farther from the heel than the Superfeet, anyway. And the heat molding brings it even closer to your arch shape.

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For the SOLE inserts which ones are meant to be used in skates, the slim sports? Also how exactly do they work. Do you trim them, put in skates and then bake the skate basically.

edit: what would be the difference between SOLE and custom orthotics. If I were to get custom orthotics, is there anything i would need to specify to a doctor to make them usable in skates or are they all the same

The Slim Sports are the ones for the skates. The best way to go is to physically compare your skate's original insole to the Sole insole size that's equal or slightly larger than the original one, trim around the forefoot area, and bake only the insole and insert it into the skate according to their instructions.

If you get a custom orthotic done, you need to bring your skates to the podiatrist so he can shape the orthotics to fit them.

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