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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Superfeet or Shock Doctors?

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Someone mentioned SOLE inserts, and I have read and heard wonderful things about them. Unfortunately, no one around me carries them. The local running store carries the brand, but not the ones needed for skates. They mentioned they could order them, but I got to thinking I might stick with SuperFeet.

How do the SOLEs fit, size wise? True to skate size, foot size, some in between?

I haven't gotten over to the running store yet, but was seriously considering them. Unfortunately, the local shoe maker that was recommended did a horrible job replacing the eyelets on my 9Ks, so I might try an online place to send them out to... could use a few rivets redone too. Just waiting for some down time.

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Someone mentioned SOLE inserts, and I have read and heard wonderful things about them. Unfortunately, no one around me carries them. The local running store carries the brand, but not the ones needed for skates. They mentioned they could order them, but I got to thinking I might stick with SuperFeet.

How do the SOLEs fit, size wise? True to skate size, foot size, some in between?

I haven't gotten over to the running store yet, but was seriously considering them. Unfortunately, the local shoe maker that was recommended did a horrible job replacing the eyelets on my 9Ks, so I might try an online place to send them out to... could use a few rivets redone too. Just waiting for some down time.

The size 6.5/7 SOLE insert is the same size as the stock insole of the RBK 5K size 7. The heel is just slightly wider but when you bake it, it conforms quite nicely. I found mine in a bicycle shop since the Slim Sport model is recommended for cycling shoes as well as skates. Check the list of SOLE dealers for your area on the SOLE website, especially for names of bicycle shops.

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I've used Superfeet Greys for a few years now in all my skates and find them terrific. They definitely give my feet and ankles much better stability on the ice especially making sharp turns on my weaker side. I notice a big difference from the standard insoles provided with the new skates. The only manufacturer that gives you a decent insole seems to be Graf who have their own version of the Superfeet insole which is every bit as effective as the Superfeet. Easton gets honourable mention though because they have the Shock Doctor insoles with the heel lift which is much better than the flat piece of felt coated styrofoam a lot of the other makes give you.

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Wanna order a pair as well and haven't been able to find an answer to this question...

superfeet are sized in US shoe sizes, not skate sizes, right?

anyone? cant seem to find this info anywhere! OR... what size do you guys use for your 8.5d bauers?

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Wanna order a pair as well and haven't been able to find an answer to this question...
superfeet are sized in US shoe sizes, not skate sizes, right?

anyone? cant seem to find this info anywhere! OR... what size do you guys use for your 8.5d bauers?

either an E or an F, depending on the size of your heel

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I've used Superfeet Greys for a few years now in all my skates and find them terrific. They definitely give my feet and ankles much better stability on the ice especially making sharp turns on my weaker side. I notice a big difference from the standard insoles provided with the new skates. The only manufacturer that gives you a decent insole seems to be Graf who have their own version of the Superfeet insole which is every bit as effective as the Superfeet. Easton gets honourable mention though because they have the Shock Doctor insoles with the heel lift which is much better than the flat piece of felt coated styrofoam a lot of the other makes give you.

I've always had grey superfeet in the past and my Grafs actually came with them (late 90's 705's), I guess that was before they started making their own. I just picked up a new pair of One75's last night and will be trying them tonight with the standard footbeds, I never would have worried but reading this thread made me second guess it since I've been with the superfeet for so long. I guess if the standard foam ones don't work out too well I'll just get another pair of superfeet or throw my old ones in. The Sole ones mentioned in here sound interesting as well so I might look into those too.

Back to Graf... when I was getting my skates last night I was talking about footbeds with the guy there, he told me about the custom footbeds Graf makes (one of the owners of the store works for Graf and has the machine to make them), apparantly it molds your foot with some softmaterial and then a pliable footbed gets placed into the old and you stand in it again while the pliable material forms to your foot perfectly. It sounds really neat, not necesarilly an orthotic/corrective insole but more of a custom insole that picks up any negative space underneath your feet and toes making the skate fit better. He said they've done them for numerous Islanders, other pro's and minor leaguers and even figure skaters... sounds really interesting so I'm curious to find out more about that as well. He said he'd ask the guy about it and see how much it costs, if it's reasonable then I may give it a shot.

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I've used Superfeet Greys for a few years now in all my skates and find them terrific. They definitely give my feet and ankles much better stability on the ice especially making sharp turns on my weaker side. I notice a big difference from the standard insoles provided with the new skates. The only manufacturer that gives you a decent insole seems to be Graf who have their own version of the Superfeet insole which is every bit as effective as the Superfeet. Easton gets honourable mention though because they have the Shock Doctor insoles with the heel lift which is much better than the flat piece of felt coated styrofoam a lot of the other makes give you.

I've always had grey superfeet in the past and my Grafs actually came with them (late 90's 705's), I guess that was before they started making their own. I just picked up a new pair of One75's last night and will be trying them tonight with the standard footbeds, I never would have worried but reading this thread made me second guess it since I've been with the superfeet for so long. I guess if the standard foam ones don't work out too well I'll just get another pair of superfeet or throw my old ones in. The Sole ones mentioned in here sound interesting as well so I might look into those too.

Back to Graf... when I was getting my skates last night I was talking about footbeds with the guy there, he told me about the custom footbeds Graf makes (one of the owners of the store works for Graf and has the machine to make them), apparantly it molds your foot with some softmaterial and then a pliable footbed gets placed into the old and you stand in it again while the pliable material forms to your foot perfectly. It sounds really neat, not necesarilly an orthotic/corrective insole but more of a custom insole that picks up any negative space underneath your feet and toes making the skate fit better. He said they've done them for numerous Islanders, other pro's and minor leaguers and even figure skaters... sounds really interesting so I'm curious to find out more about that as well. He said he'd ask the guy about it and see how much it costs, if it's reasonable then I may give it a shot.

Could you PM me w/ the Store name. Thanks.

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what size do you guys use for your 8.5d bauers?

either an E or an F, depending on the size of your heel

i need to keep as much volume in the boots as possible (lift my heel as little as possible)... i presume i should go with the E?

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hm... i'm not sure about this... i have fat freaking feet... thick and wide in the mid/forefoot, but i'm not sure how my heel compares. this is why i was asking about the thickness... i cant afford to lose any more volume in my 8.5d one90's compared to the original footbeds. any ideas how i could make an educated guess?

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when im fitting them i usually start with what i think they wil need, since you are in a one90, that would lead me to believe you have a narrower heel. that is assuming the boot is a good fit for you.

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I've used Superfeet Greys for a few years now in all my skates and find them terrific. They definitely give my feet and ankles much better stability on the ice especially making sharp turns on my weaker side. I notice a big difference from the standard insoles provided with the new skates. The only manufacturer that gives you a decent insole seems to be Graf who have their own version of the Superfeet insole which is every bit as effective as the Superfeet. Easton gets honourable mention though because they have the Shock Doctor insoles with the heel lift which is much better than the flat piece of felt coated styrofoam a lot of the other makes give you.

I've always had grey superfeet in the past and my Grafs actually came with them (late 90's 705's), I guess that was before they started making their own. I just picked up a new pair of One75's last night and will be trying them tonight with the standard footbeds, I never would have worried but reading this thread made me second guess it since I've been with the superfeet for so long. I guess if the standard foam ones don't work out too well I'll just get another pair of superfeet or throw my old ones in. The Sole ones mentioned in here sound interesting as well so I might look into those too.

Back to Graf... when I was getting my skates last night I was talking about footbeds with the guy there, he told me about the custom footbeds Graf makes (one of the owners of the store works for Graf and has the machine to make them), apparantly it molds your foot with some softmaterial and then a pliable footbed gets placed into the old and you stand in it again while the pliable material forms to your foot perfectly. It sounds really neat, not necesarilly an orthotic/corrective insole but more of a custom insole that picks up any negative space underneath your feet and toes making the skate fit better. He said they've done them for numerous Islanders, other pro's and minor leaguers and even figure skaters... sounds really interesting so I'm curious to find out more about that as well. He said he'd ask the guy about it and see how much it costs, if it's reasonable then I may give it a shot.

Could you PM me w/ the Store name. Thanks.

they do that at th team LA store too its like 80 bucks

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when im fitting them i usually start with what i think they wil need, since you are in a one90, that would lead me to believe you have a narrower heel. that is assuming the boot is a good fit for you.

the "floorplan" of the one90 is great for me (after it was stretched for some more midfoot width). i could use more depth, but the heel feels great. i think i'll order the E.

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good, sorry i couldnt be of more help, if you get the E's and the fat pad of your heel is over the sides of the heel cap, then the F would be best

fingers crossed it works out for you

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Anyone have problems with superfeet coming apart?

The plastic bottom/heel cup is separating from the rest of the insole. I remove them after every skate.

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I think I may have written this in another post before, but for those of you who has extended health insurance coverage, you may want to go see a Podiatrist, or Chiropractor who fit custom orthotics as well. My chiro is a hockey player himself. He fitted my feet with their own orthotics with custom arch support. For those of you who are not familiar with feet, proper support can have a HUGE difference in terms of your day to day well being, as well as performance in sports. If anyone is interested, I can share with you a few tests that I went through that had me convinced. It all has to do with neuro pathways, how fast signals are transferred.

Anyhow, my chiro fitted me with a pair of custom orthotics, he took my skates in to fit them as well. He also "tilted" each foot outward by one degree and that made a significant difference in balance and power for me. I NEVER skate without them, and I NEVER buy new skates that doesn't "fit" my orthortics. You extended insurance most like cover the cost of the orthortics.

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Wanna order a pair as well and haven't been able to find an answer to this question...
superfeet are sized in US shoe sizes, not skate sizes, right?

anyone? cant seem to find this info anywhere! OR... what size do you guys use for your 8.5d bauers?

Since it hasn't been answered yet I'll answer... buy the insoles in your foot/sneaker size not the skate size. They will need to be trimmed to fit but you want the arch to be fitted properly so go with your shoe size.

I picked up a pair of those Sole insoles and gave them a go at open hockey last week... first impressions, quality made insole with a ton more support and stiffness under the arch than expected, the heat molding is a great feature. Downside, they're huge. These things were almsot twice as wide as my superfeet insoles. I had to trim a considerable amopunt from the toe and along the sides all the way down to the beginning of the arch, was worried at first that they wouldn't work. After baking them and wrestling them into the skates (like I said, they're huge and I didn't even think they'd fit at first) I was able to lace the skates up and mold them as per the instructions. Everything felt good during this process so I was relieved a bit. I skated in them later that night and after the first couple minutes of consciously trying to see how they felt I forgot all about them and played and skated just fine. They offered more all around support than the superfeet since they cup your heel more and keep your foot in place better but as a result they eat up a small amount of volume in the boot (not a problem for me since I have a pretty narrow/small foot). I went with the company's sizing guideline and since I'm between sizes (9.5) I went up a size to a 10, if I did it again I'd go down a 1/2 size to a 9 but other than that so far I love these footbeds.

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I just got a pair of the Shock doctor insoles the other day. Much better than the stock bauer ones that came in my vapor XXV's. But I still get a bit of pain on the bottom of my left foot after skating for an hour. Im gonna try the shock doctors a few more times before switching to something else. Maybe they just need to adjust.

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For the SOLE inserts which ones are meant to be used in skates, the slim sports? Also how exactly do they work. Do you trim them, put in skates and then bake the skate basically.

edit: what would be the difference between SOLE and custom orthotics. If I were to get custom orthotics, is there anything i would need to specify to a doctor to make them usable in skates or are they all the same

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Returning my superfeet tomorrow, they just weren't for me. I trimmed them to fit my skate though, but they have a 60 day comfort guarantee? Anyone know if Sportchek would honour that?

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