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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Fourth Line Grind

Inline Tape Jobs

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Where I'm from it's pretty hard to get replacement sticks or blades so I'm pretty anal about my tape job and the durability of the blade. I always at least have a strip of tape lengthways along the bottom of the blade. If I'm using a blade that is more likely to split I used a strip of clear platic shin tape and melt it on with a quick blast of a blow torch and dunk it in cold water to harden it up. Then I just tape the blade as normal heel to toe.

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Where I'm from it's pretty hard to get replacement sticks or blades so I'm pretty anal about my tape job and the durability of the blade. I always at least have a strip of tape lengthways along the bottom of the blade. If I'm using a blade that is more likely to split I used a strip of clear platic shin tape and melt it on with a quick blast of a blow torch and dunk it in cold water to harden it up. Then I just tape the blade as normal heel to toe.

Wow that is pretty extreme but I guess if you dont want your blade to break thats not a bad idea.

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i tape is all the way around from heel to toe. even though its probably a waste since nobody dusts their floors around here and the tape becomes uneffective after 3 games.

if i dont put about 3 layers of tape on the bottom side of the blade my blade will be torn up and start to thin, even thought its sportscourt it eats sticks

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I do one single horizontal stripe about a half in up from the bottom of my blade whole way around. I use wooden blades in my old easton aluminum shaft and Im gonna try out the epoxy layer on the bottom trick thought about it before but never tried it. As I said in another thread i tried out on of those koho abs blades and it snapped in an hour. I get a while out of a wooden blade if I can double it with epoxy then im all for it.

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I like to use a normal tape job that lightly covers the heel of my blade down to the toe, but thats probably because I havent tried a different one for a while and im just use to the one I've been using. I like the way a tacki-mac feels too but I dont like that they dont cover the toe as much as tape.

Does anyone know how to apply a tacki-mac on the backhand and just regular tape on the forhand so that it covers the majority of the blade?

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I tape my blade normally, but I take 2 strips of electrical tape and place it horzontally on the bottom of the blade to reduce friction. I try to change it after every game. It works well. I will post pictures if requested.

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Should I be taping the bottom of my blade when playing on the surfaces in the video below? I believe the grey stuff is a very smooth concrete. I plan on using my ice hockey stick and don't want to ruin it.

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I use 1.5 inch tape and put one strip on the forhand and two on the backhad. I then tape the last 1/3rd of the blade(just the toe) regular and go over the toe. Ovechkin style but with the hoizontal strips. I find the standard style tape job on the toe helps with shooting and stick handling.

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