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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer One 95 Inliner

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going by the scuffs on the frame, and the very new looking boot, as well as some help from google translator, it's just the regular one95 ice skate converted to inline, nice but personally I wouldn't say spectacular, especially with Fletch's amazing one95's in the sprung thread.... to save you some time there's a link to the post :)

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going by the scuffs on the frame, and the very new looking boot, as well as some help from google translator, it's just the regular one95 ice skate converted to inline, nice but personally I wouldn't say spectacular, especially with Fletch's amazing one95's in the sprung thread.... to save you some time there's a link to the post :)

OMFG those things are the sexes.

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To me they look like they just have been converted. If this was real would the price not be ridiculous? I may be wrong but if it was the exact same boot as ice would it not make it cost even more than the ice version because of the cost of frames, wheels, bearing, etc.?

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RinkRat HotShot XXX Grip

Boss BSBS Swiss Light

red wheels just made it look even worse than when it was just the one-up frame

Translated version (just click into the artical, not hard to do wouldn't work direct for some reason)

going by what little can be made of it, the one-up was pulled off an XXVR and then put on to the one95 that was orignally an ice skate, so yup, it's just a conversion...

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Haha... No sprungs on mine. Im going the Magnesium route.

I think FatAndSlow has that same setup but I don't think he has posted pics.

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