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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Baking

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Hey guys!

Alright, I'm extremely new to this forum (long time reader and first time member)

I know posting a topic as my first post is probably not the smartest thing, but I do have a question.

I picked up a pair of Size 8W Graf G35 Supras last week. I had a pair of Supreme 70's and they were killing my feet. I've always been a CCM Tacks fan, but they don't make them anymore and I dont like the Vectors.

Anyways, these Grafs fit really nice. They are a couple years old but I bought them new. (Old stock). My LHS put Custom +'s on them because T'Blades were originally on there but they didn't think that they would sell.

I'm a bit worried about the horror stories of the outsole splitting, but I'm 150lbs, and play rec hockey a couple times a week...so that shouldn't be an issue (fingers crossed anyways). My LHS owner said that it was only with certain sizes and I should be ok.

They fit my feet amazing (no skating done yet though) and I've had them baked. However, when I had them baked, I was kicking them down really hard to get my heels locked into place. I completely forgot that I probably shouldn't have done that at all. How prone are the skates to damage from something like that?

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The skates will probably be fine after kicking your heel back. No, it probably wasn't the greatest idea, but they'll live. On the other hand, if you're used to CCM Tacks like me (I'm on my THIRD pair of Pro Tacks, after trying on a bunch of different brands and models), there's a good chance that the heel in your G35 Supras are too narrow for you. I don't know what your feet look like, but judging from my own experience with G35 Supras, you may have been better off in the fit of the G3/703 model...

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Thanks! I was a little worried - I kicked them back without even thinking about it. :(

They felt okay on the ice today - I think I'm going to get them profiled to a more neutral stance. I got the Custom +'s pitched forward to try an aggressive stance. It sucks. Hahaha. My feet hurt pretty bad on the ice because they aren't broken in yet and I'm only 150lbs trying to break in high end skates. They are fitted pretty good for my feet (Narrow heel with a wide forefoot) so hopefully they'll be ok!

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Kicking your heel back won't cause any problems at all, assuming the skates weren't baked for an hour and you didn't wind up and kick them as hard as you could. Congrats on finding some skates that work for you.

On the other hand, if you're used to CCM Tacks like me (I'm on my THIRD pair of Pro Tacks, after trying on a bunch of different brands and models), there's a good chance that the heel in your G35 Supras are too narrow for you.

He did get the Wide version, that makes a difference.

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well there you go, lol. hope those G35s work out for ya, then!

No worries. Kicking your heel back won't do damage to the skates.

The G35/735 and G3/703 share the same heel width.

I thought the G35 shared heels with the G5? Oops, my bad.

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