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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tips for getting steel into "virgin" LS2

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Anyone have any non-destructive tips for getting steel into an LS2 holder that's never touched steel? I have numerous new LS2 holders, and all seem to be lacking a couple thousands in width to accept either LS or Step steel. No problem with "experienced" holders. What's the trick with the "virgins"?


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Here is a simple way without having to touch the holder,

Take a heat gun and gently warm up the groove of the holder for a couple of min. Do not hold the heat gun any closer than 12 inches to the holder. the heat will help the groove of the holder expand slightly and the steel should pop right in. I cant stress enough about not overheating the plastic so pleas do not hold the heat gun to close.

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Here is a simple way without having to touch the holder,

Take a heat gun and gently warm up the groove of the holder for a couple of min. Do not hold the heat gun any closer than 12 inches to the holder. the heat will help the groove of the holder expand slightly and the steel should pop right in. I cant stress enough about not overheating the plastic so pleas do not hold the heat gun to close.


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