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HTML Editor question, mac

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Hi, guys instead of make a new thread i thought i would edit this one, so i need an editor to write html on a mac, i tried the textedit.app but its in standard text and not HTML, so i need help, any suggestions?

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I have a mac and know that you can install windows onto it using boot camp, parallels, or any other program that can partition a hard drive.

Because you have partitioned the hard drive and installed a whole new OS onto it, it will behave like and other computer running the same OS so yes, you will be able to download windows only programs onto it.

Macs are made for the sort of thing you are doing, interactive multiedia design, so i would have thought that it would come with everything you would need for it however, i have never come across a windows program i cannot download for my mac and you will certainly be able to download it onto the windows partition.

Hope this helps...

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I use VMWare's Fusion for my virtual Windows OS environment on my Macs and it works great. You can basically run any Windows program on it and it's been rock solid for me.


Another option is Boot Camp, which is part of Apple's Leopard OS - it runs off of your Mac's hardware and on a separate partition on your hard drive. This is what you would want to use if you wanted to play Windows games on your Mac. It is a Windows machine just running on a partition so it's as close as you can get to buying a PC and running Windows.


Just remember - with any Windows option you will need antivirus and mal/spyware protection. Even though you would be running it on a Mac, the OS is still susceptible to all of the crap out there that infects and infests Windows machines.

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Hi, long time windows/pc user but lately cause of my university course (interactive multiedia design) im thinking maybe apple is a good choice for me, so i have a question, ive read that you can run windows on a mac, but is this like having a windows computer? i mean, could you go online and download windows only programs? Probably a real stupid question but im clueless.

Thanks, Eddy

It's really pretty easy. Here's a good guide to get you started.


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There is also methods to go the other way round, duel booting Mac OSX onto a pc

which requires significantly higher technical skills, requires specific hardware combinations for the CPU and may not support certain pieces of hardware at all, it's not officially supported by Apple, installing and using OS X on non-Apple hardware is a gray area between legal and illegal, and you have to wait for the relevant development community to make changes to builds as the OS/software is updated, just running updates on your own would cause the system to become unusable.

Just saying "oh sure you can just dual boot 10.5 on a PC" is at best a gross oversimplification of the hoops that need to be jumped through.

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I switched two years ago. Ran Windows for a few weeks then deleted it. I would use Parallels for the odd Windows program rather than dual boot.

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Well, got Parallels Desktop and loaded windows xp (wanted vista but i read somewhere about it using more ram or something), keeps me amused that i can do this haha

Thanks for all the help guys!

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I use TextMate to do all of my HTML/XML editing, but it sounds like you are looking for something a bit simpler. Adobe Dreamweaver and Freeway seem to be the best in that regard. They both let you edit WSIWYG or in code view.

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Textedit works just fine, you start something, save it as <filename>.html, it asks "Are you sure you want to use .html and not .txt?" you say yes and it should show formatting like html editors do.

I used textedit to code all my java programs for 3 different programing classes and it always worked out.

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Textedit ftw, or else try something like Dreamweaver; it's easy to use but there's too much going on if you can just write out the HTML without needing help with commands.

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wait... what? you can write straight-up HTML in TextEdit, you just have to change your file to plain text, then go to FILE --> SAVE AS and change the file extension to .html.

If you want to open HTML in TextEdit for editing, you have to make sure you're viewing it as plain text instead of rich text.

If you're looking for a dedicated WYSIWYG HTML editor, hit up versiontracker.com and search for a free one. If you're down with the warez scene, just dig up a copy of Dreamweaver.

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