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S17 flex comparison

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Hi. I had an S17 for awhile, and I have to say it was the best shooting stick I've used. After its untimely demise (blade snapped in half...weird right? :rolleyes: ) i decided to try out the One95. Love the feel, and its a great stick, but I definitely loved the flex of my S17 (85). The one95 seems to play much stiffer in comparable (87) flex. I was wondering if the 77 flex one95 would be a lot closer to the S17, as I know they are pretty whippy. Thanks!

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The S17 has a bit more whip than what's listed. It 's suggested you go one flex up compared to what you usually buy.

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Ok, so would that make a 77 flex One95 comparable to an 85 flex S17? Thanks.

The 77 flex should be only (very) slightly stiffer than the 85 flex S17 given the measurements that I've seen.

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Alright thanks Chadd. So I'm taking it that the 87 flex would be closer to a 100 flex S17?

Given what I have seen, the 100 flex S17 is very close in flex to an 85 from most other manufacturers.

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Thank you very much! I have also heard that the U+ runs a bit whippier too...Is it similar to the S17 in that aspect?

I don't know, but I can't imagine it is as far off as the S17.

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Alright thanks Chadd. So I'm taking it that the 87 flex would be closer to a 100 flex S17?

Given what I have seen, the 100 flex S17 is very close in flex to an 85 from most other manufacturers.

I second that. Actually, 87 flex One90's when cut down the way I do, will match almost exactly the flex rating markings on the shaft to the flex rating markings on my S17's. Both rate out to 105.

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Alright thanks guys. So the general consensus is that a 77 flex One95 will provide essentially the same flex and kick as an 85 flex S17...just making sure before I order one through NBH ID. I'm debating between getting another S17 and trying the lower flex One95.

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The best way to find out is to hit your local store and hold an S17 and One95 side by side and see what the flex markings are on each at the point where you would cut it.

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