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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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SRS Repaired Sticks

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I have 2 Easton SE Elites that i am thinking about getting repaired...has anyone had any experience with SRS...looking for cost, and overall outcome...thanks!

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are you repairing the shaft or the blade?

i have never gotten my shaft repaired but i have heard good things about SRS shaft repair. it makes the shaft a bit stiffer.

However i have gotten my blade repaired with the SRS technology. I repaired my s17 and it costed around $50. the overall outcome was horrible...the stick felt completely different. The SRS added a lot of weight to the stick making it feel extremely bottom heavy, also since i repaired the blade it was no longer flat.. it had a convex shape to the blade and drastically altered the feel...and it did not last...they did give a 30 day warranty on the stick but it felt so bad that i did not use it and after the 30days when i went back to it...after a few skates the carbon they placed on the blade started to crack and the blade went back to what it was before i got it fixed.

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If you take a look at youtube, SRS has some repair videos posted.

Their are a few members that use SRS in their shops, they'd be the most helpful about SRS specifically. I own the Stick Fix franchise in Chaska, MN.

As for Somemeat's repair and issues...The reason that the SRS fix "failed" is that the interior of the blade was not strong enough. Once the exterior repair weakened, the interior was not supported and, as you said, you were right back where you started.

Hattrick - It is possible. If I could see it, I'd be able to give you a better idea...send me a PM and a pic, if you want more info.

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Can anyone tell me....is this a good candidate for SRS? The stick itself is brand new. I used it in one game. I was pissed that a puck went off my skate and into my own net, so I banged the stick on the pipe and broke it. Yeah, I know...completely unnacceptable behavior.

Anyway...I was wondering if the SRS was a worthwhile investment for this stick??


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I used it, lasted me 1 practice. I had mine break right in the center, so weight wasn't that much of an issue, but it did make it a lot stiffer. Unfortunate that it cost me $40 for a practice, but it was worth trying, instead of buying a 250 dollar stick.

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If the stick repair is done correctly, it will be very strong and likely last longer than the original. There are so many variables in doing a proper repair. If one breaks after a first time use, it prob wasn't done correctly. As for weight, it is unlikely that anyone can tell the difference in weight between a fixed stick and the orig. The amount of carbon used barely registers on a scale, and we are talking less than a half oz of epoxy. The tape you use on a stick weighs way more than a repair.

Stick repair has been growing steadily and is very popular. With the bad economy, many are repairing rather than buying new sticks. Who can blame them, $30 to repair or $180 for new. We are doing approx 30 sticks per week now. I had to hire a guy just to do sticks as I can no longer do them on the side anymore. The durability is amazing. In the 5 yrs I've been doing shaft repairs not one has re-broken in the shaft area. Repairs on the rest of the stick are pretty durable as well, but they aren't magic. If your orig Vap xxx lite broke in the hosel after 35 days, your repaired stick can break in the same area as well. If you have bad technique and are always splitting the heel, your repaired stick will split in the same area. Remember, the repair is made of the same materials as your orig stick. It broke, the repaired one eventually will as well.

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