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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor 40 or wait for X50/X60

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It is completely relevant because the fit of a line of skate does not change, the materials do. A Vapor XVI and Vapor XXXX are built off the same foot last.

I tried on both a XVI and a XXX - both the same size. The XXXX felt slightly bigger in length and width. Not a half size bigger but slightly bigger. I'm sure it is built on the same last but materials used can create a different fit even with the same last IMO.

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It is completely relevant because the fit of a line of skate does not change, the materials do. A Vapor XVI and Vapor XXXX are built off the same foot last.

I tried on both a XVI and a XXX - both the same size. The XXXX felt slightly bigger in length and width. Not a half size bigger but slightly bigger. I'm sure it is built on the same last but materials used can create a different fit even with the same last IMO.

From what I know the XXX and the XXXX are built on different foot last. The x:60 is made on the foot last of the XXX, or so I read on this forum.

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Did the initial poster ever say his size/how hard of a skater he is? The XXV is a killer skate, the 40 is a little stiffer and might last you longer though. Beyond that, it's all preference.

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Very similar to the 40s in a lot of regards. We didn't have my exact size so I cant really tell you too much about how the fit compares for myself. New insole, new material inside, felt as light if not lighter than the 40 to my hands, other than being stiffer than sin (still not U+ stiff though) heel padding did feel better right off the bat, slightly wider possibly?

The tongue was nicer in general as well, could easily flex it compared to the 40.

I don't actually skate in 40s or any of the vapor line myself so I'm not the best source but those were my initial impressions. Skate also looks great in person :P

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saw them all today realy nice skates, i will consider the X:40 to replace my XXV. picked up a XXV and the X:40 same size the XXV felt a tad lighter then the new x:40, weight diff is due to the outsole been composite fiber and not a texallium composite witch is on the X:50 this year. the sales guy said that X:50 are replacing the the XXIX (29's) of last year and the X:40 is replacing the XXV.

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the quarter on the X:50 is tech mesh same as the last year 40's and outsole is texallium composite but it as the new hydra max. the 40's are lighter then the X:50, now if it better it whole diff perspective with the new materials.

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Thank you very much it sounds like for the differences between the two the 40's sound like they are the best option for me as I gurantee I can't find a pair of X:50's near me.

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like i said the 40's might be a tad lighter than the X:50 but the better one should be the X:50 due to the new materials and features like,

hydra max liner, better ankle padding, better heel lock and stabilizer.

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its unfortunate that starsfan71 cant find a pair to try out...ive had the 40s and now the x50s.

40s are a tad lighter by a couple of ounces and are stiffer. I really like the feel and comfort and support of the x50. I cant tell that there is a difference in weight when im on the ice.

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Hmm, I can probably stretch my skates and wait for some to come in, better ankle sounds really good for me as well because i block a lot of shots, thanks for the info and the heads up guys.

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