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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Warrior Dolomite, a 2 piece fused stick ? Need Help :S

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I was a warrior dolomite witch broak at the blade. I looked at the shaft closely and seems to me as it's a 2 piece fused togheter ?? I had another one before and just cut it like a normal 1 piece stick so i can try a tapered blade on, and shaw that it had what it looked like another lair of composite material on the inside ?? looked like a blade was there. If the dolomite is truely a fused stick then can someone help me out on how to take the blade out ?? Maybe cuting a little on every side on the stick were the fused mark is and heating it up really well ???

Please help me


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I was a warrior dolomite witch broak at the blade. I looked at the shaft closely and seems to me as it's a 2 piece fused togheter ?? I had another one before and just cut it like a normal 1 piece stick so i can try a tapered blade on, and shaw that it had what it looked like another lair of composite material on the inside ?? looked like a blade was there. If the dolomite is truely a fused stick then can someone help me out on how to take the blade out ?? Maybe cuting a little on every side on the stick were the fused mark is and heating it up really well ???

Please help me


yes, you can heat and pull to remove the blade and then insert a new tapered one into dolomites. theres a thread that explain the whole process (not specifically for dolomites), have a search :D

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