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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tailboard Jockey

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If you are really that anxious about it then schedule an appointment with your doctor to get checked out and discuss your concerns.


I'd also recommend you talk to your team. Let them know you plan on taking short shifts, and may need to skip one here or there. Find out if any of the guys/girls are CPR certified... find out if the rink has a defibrillator. I think it may help some of your mental worry to know others will be looking out for you.

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I also have anxiety of an event, and it causes my heart beat to raise and all levels of testosterone to spike. Sucks when it happens. Shortly after this thread in May09 I was playing pickup with a buddy (who was 29, weighed 270) and while we were both on the bench BSing I look one way and the next thing I know he's slumped over not responding. He suffered a massive heart attack, and anything that anyone could have done would not have mattered. Since then I've had it on my mind and its fucking hell to live with. I'm in moderate shape @ 6'1" 205lbs, eat healthy, attempt to exercise regularly, and its still on my mind whenever my heart rate goes up. Its just something that to be honest, you have to put out of mind. Out of sight out of mind? Same thing applies. There is a ton of nasty shit that goes on this planet, and to get through it and not feel depressed that I can't do anything about it, I have to forget about it. With my heart its the same way. Ofcourse if I feel something weird or w/e i stop and get it checked out, but, when my heart rate goes up to 140-160 I just deal with it on the bench b/c I know that for what I've been skating at that's what it should be at, and its not that high because I'm about to die.

I'm not advising you to go out there and act invisible, but, if you try not to think about it you'll be able to push your body harder and get in better shape. Def. go to Dr. though and get checked out and make sure you don't have arteries blocked.

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