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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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McDonald's NHL Star Helmets

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Is anyone here collecting? How good do they look compared to previous years?

I dont visit Rotten Ronnie's enough ill probably have one of my staff pick them up on their break.

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"rotten ronnies" ha ha thats what you 'muricans call "mc dicks" :D

I'm from the US and have never heard either of those terms. I wish they offered cool things like hockey helmets down here, then I may actually be convinced to go there once in a while and eat some mystery meat nuggets.

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NoGoalov! hahahaha classic

I picked up this weeks Helmets, Iginla and Price.. IMO the detail of the figurines under the helmet aren't that great, but i like collecting stuff like these.

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Sergei PuckIsIn hahahaha

i got price, iggy, ovie and toskala, missing malkin and luongo :( and they're sold out atm. anybody know where i can pick up the two missing helmets? i know they're not of significant value, but i hate having incomplete sets regardless lol

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