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Shin guard issues

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I've worn a variety of shin guards throughout my lifetime, but right now I'm currently in a cheapo pair of Supreme 30 14" shins. They fit nice but have cracks in them and smell badly. Took a shot and one of them s cracked pretty good. I bought a pair of 14" RBK 5k shins from Darkstar, but they dont fit..Kind of bulky and I dont seem to get into the shin guard "deep" enough..Should I have bought a 15" I'm 6-1, but the 14" NBH Supreme 30s fit fine..Will the new Supreme One95s fit the same? Or pro lightspeeds? Are the RBK shin guards cut shorter?

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Do you wear your shins over or under your skate tongue? If you wear them over, I'd say that a 14" could be small. I'm 5'9" and wear a 14" but there is a certain amount of personal preference. You might want to go somewhere and try on some shins. RBK's tend to not fit very deep. I had a pair in the past that felt good and were very protective but would always shift around when I played. Switched to Nike V14's which are very similar to Bauers and no problems since. One95's will fit the same as your 30's in terms of length and so will lightspeeds. The supremes will be a more deep, snug fit. Hope this helps.

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I wear them under. I dont like my shins interfering with my skates at all. My skate tongue has room and I can flex my ankles as well w/o the pads in the way.

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Yeah, I'm sorry to burst your bubble but all 14's are not created equally long, deep or wide (that's not what she said!). The NBs fit tightly, while the RBKs and Missions are a little loose. Eastons are sort of in the middle. I think the NB14" is a little longer than the Mission 14", but that might be my imagination...

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RBK shinpads are wider than Bauer shins in general and slightly bulkier but very protective. They don't have as deep a fit as Bauer or Easton shinpads and don't narrow out at the bottom like them. That's probably why your having problems with them going under the tongue of your skate. I generally wear a 15 inch, I'm 6 ft. tall , but I've found going down to a 14 inch with RBK's gives me a better fit when wearing the shins under the tongue of my skates. It really doesn't matter which size of shin you have as long as they protect you sufficiently and sit on your knees correctly.

In your case however I'd consider the Bauer Supreme or Vapor line because they narrow out considerably more near the ankles and give you a more tapered fit. You should also stick to the manufacturers suggested length for your height as well to ensure you get proper protective coverage.

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I have no problems with the "width" of a shin guard, I just do not remember my old Jofa shins fitting this shallow. The Supremes seem to have a "deeper" fit and I like that.

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