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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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rib protection

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i cracked at least one rib a few weeks ago. happened in public skate with my 3 yr. old. dont ask. it kills.

i dont play contact hockey, just pickup and mens league non-check so i use old-school shoulderpads. but the crack just happens to be in that netherworld below the armpit on the side where most shoulderpads have only the velcro strap. it is taking forever to heal and i want to skate. anybody use a flak jacket or something similar? i found this online which looks pretty decent.



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Check out www.evoshield.com - their chest/rib shirt looks good.

Personally I don't use it but I was looking at their products after reading about JR's experience with their wrist guards. If I found myself needing any extra protection they'll be my first stop.

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That is a bummer. After getting bodyslammed by some clown in college I had bruised ribs and it took months for it to get back to normal. Of course, I kept playing through it and they kept getting banged around but still. Sneezing and coughing are not pleasant while the injury is at its height.

Not sure if much would help you to be honest but I'm sure others have better advice. You may just have to play with it and kind of protect that side a bit.

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I would definitely give it time to heal rather than looking for gear to help you play through it. I suppose once the pain is at a level that is bearable you can give it a go...but for beer league hockey is it worth going out before that and potentially re-injuring setting you back further?

If your non-contact league is anything like mine you will still get banged up quite a bit...

When I had a rib injury I used a tensor bandage around my body to help...it didn't do a great deal but was enough to tell myself "sure I can play". (note: I was playing baseball, not hockey - no head first slides...that was for sure).

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i cracked at least one rib a few weeks ago. happened in public skate with my 3 yr. old. dont ask. it kills.

i dont play contact hockey, just pickup and mens league non-check so i use old-school shoulderpads. but the crack just happens to be in that netherworld below the armpit on the side where most shoulderpads have only the velcro strap. it is taking forever to heal and i want to skate. anybody use a flak jacket or something similar? i found this online which looks pretty decent.



Let the ribs heal. If you try playing through it, you will extend the time it takes to heal properly. I've made this mistake twice. You may want to wear some type of padded shirt after the injury heals as well to provide some additional protection.

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nobody had the schutt stuff in stock so i tried on this: http://www.zoombang.com/p_rib-shoulder-shirt

not bad but with sore ribs and a tweaked neck i almost had to be cut out of the thing. i'm in the fitting room stuck in a shirt!

anyway, i ended up getting a traditional football flak jacket for 1/2 the price and it protects right in that upper ribcage area.

but these guys are in my area so i might take a drive since they have so much selection: http://www.laxzilla.com/index.php?pn=defau...;category_id=53

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Once your ribs heel, take a look at the Itech 955 shoulder pad. A buddy of mine went to these after a rib injury while wearing a pair of light ,low end shoulder pads. ( I will not name the brand name to avoid controversial remarks.) He found the 955's to be very protective not only in the shoulder and clavical areas but they have excellent rib and kidney coverage. They have HD poly coverage over the entire chest and back areas and low profile shoulder caps, with sternum and spine protection extension pieces, to round out the protective package. He loves the extra protection they give him and the only complaint he had about them was they where a bit stiff until they broke in. The fit is not the best on the market, and their a bit heavier than other popular makes but not enough to make a big impact on your play. Check em out and see what you think. Hope this helps.

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