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Sande Heatseeker Help

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Hey Guys,

Let me start off my saying: Ive done my searching plenty of times through the forums and have not found what Im looking for.

I'm looking at ordering the Sande Heatseeker Pros. Ive been back and forth through emails with Gary, and hes told me what they fit like. He said that the gloves have a very unique feel to them. He mentioned the only way i can get the gloves is though online purchase, so I cant try them on, which is why I'm trying get as much information as I can.

I was wondering what your thoughts about the glove was if you own a pair, or what you have heard from users. What is the fit like, in terms of sizing, would it be the same as most gloves.

The Trigger Finger Technology was originally the concept that caught my attention about the glove. Does this work, is the feel for the stick really enhanced by this?

Anything is appreciated, thanks guys.

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I had a pair of Max-Q mitts last year, so not sure how that compares to the heatseeker, but the Trigger finger was not for me. 1 month in and I had enough of trying to get used to it.

Some have said they like it and others have also said they couldn't get used to it.

I think it's a hard buy without trying it on first.

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I would never buy gloves without knowing how they feel. As for the trigger, it never did anything for me.

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I had a pair of Max-Q mitts last year, so not sure how that compares to the heatseeker, but the Trigger finger was not for me. 1 month in and I had enough of trying to get used to it.

Some have said they like it and others have also said they couldn't get used to it.

I think it's a hard buy without trying it on first.

Gary told me that the Max PRO (guessing the new Max-Q) is a lot looser fitting then the Heatseeker, so I decided that the Max line was not for me.

But why does the trigger finger feel any different than a normal glove would though? I mean you grip the stick the same way with any glove, what makes the trigger finger so different? (aside from the obvious separation from the glove 'shell')

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Never worn an "eagle style" glove but was overly pleased with the heatseeker pros. Gary dropped some off at Puckmasters and we used them foe a couple months. Super comfy. Nice feel.

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I've been using Sande gloves with the trigger finger for the past three or so years. I think they are great, especially for the index finger. With some brands of gloves, I can't close my index finger without the thumb getting in the way. The trigger finger prevents this from happening.

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I have been in conversations over phone and email with Matt and Gary @ Sande about gloves this week. Luckily enough for me I live in close proximity and they are going to allow me to try on some demo gloves before i make a pruchase.

I did see on their website that there is no charge for return shipping if you return something.

Maybe order a pair of each, and return what you don't like/fit?

Just a suggestion.

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Weird, maybe Matt @ Sande is a member here...just finished posting that post above and my email inbox hits with a message from him.

I am meeting him Saturday to look at 3 pairs of gloves:

The Bonehands (very cool looking)

The Max pro

The Heatseeker Pro

I will be in new gloves Saturday night! :D :D

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Thanks for the info guys. Do you actually see an advantage to using the trigger finger, or is it jsut more comfortable for you. Gary told me that the palm is great on them, so im not really worried about that.

I think my main issue is whether or not its worth getting the trigger finger, or just getting something like Eagle PPF's.

Weird, maybe Matt @ Sande is a member here...just finished posting that post above and my email inbox hits with a message from him.

I am meeting him Saturday to look at 3 pairs of gloves:

The Bonehands (very cool looking)

The Max pro

The Heatseeker Pro

I will be in new gloves Saturday night! :D :D

Will you let me know what you think of the 3 pairs after you try them on? Just hit me with a PM when you get the chance. Ive never heard of the Boneheads?? Wonder what they look like.

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Ive been wearing the heetseaker pro and I really like them.

Their my first pair with trigger fingers its different and very confortable.

They dont fit like anything else, but they are great gloves!

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Ive been wearing the heetseaker pro and I really like them.

Their my first pair with trigger fingers its different and very confortable.

They dont fit like anything else, but they are great gloves!

Good to hear, how do they size compared to other gloves? I wear a 13' in pretty much every glove, should I get 13' in Heatseekers too?

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If you can hold tight for another two days I will PM you the details on the differences between the Heatseekers and the Maxpros.

I was told the Maxpro fits a touch wider than the HS and that both gloves are really close to an Eagle fit and sizing.

Still, at like <$100 you cannot go wrong...I figure if you can't wait you could buy a set of both and hock the other pair here or on ebay.

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Ive been wearing the heetseaker pro and I really like them.

Their my first pair with trigger fingers its different and very confortable.

They dont fit like anything else, but they are great gloves!

Good to hear, how do they size compared to other gloves? I wear a 13' in pretty much every glove, should I get 13' in Heatseekers too?

I wear 14'' gloves and the Sande 14" is more like 15" IMO.

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OK. Bought some Heatseaker Pros tonite. ($126.00 CDN after taxes and conversion at mercenary rate from Yank dollar) The Max Pro's were about $15 cheaper if memeory serves. The "bone Hands" are an obsolete model they just happened to have 1 pair left in size 14.5 fo rme to try...at considerably less (could probably be had for $85-$90 CDN)

The "trigger finger" is the same for the fingers as the thumbs in that there is a pocket for your finger to reside in that is not inherantly tied to the actual glove padded finger obviosuly allowing for more mobility etc. You know how the sleeve your finger resides in in most gloves for the thumb....that is the principle of the trigger finger.

The entire palms base material is a dry fit/underarmour/wicking fabric and the nash is applied over top of that. (There may be some durability and longevity issues here) ultimately I see a glove that is going to be a lot drier, less stinky, and more on the feel.

They are very much like an Eagle glove up around the wrists, except they come up a bit higher (without sacrificing mobility) to protect against potential slashes. However through the fingers and hands they are very slim, perhaps too much so.

The Max Pro's were only the index and middle fingers as "trigger fingers" whereas the Heatseakers are all 4 fingers and thumbs. The Max Pros may have fit a bit looser. And they didn't have nearly the "feel" that the HS Pro's had.

The Bonehands were a very traditional glove cut and feel, with solid leather palms and no MMS material, with only the index finger being a "trigger finger"

At the price point these gloves (All 3 pairs really) look to be an absolute steal. If I was paying another $50-$80 I would expect at least 150-200 Ice time's out of them without any breakage or wearing down...I'm not sure that is achievable with the materials they have built these very smooth, light, and comfy gloves with. I stand to be corrected, just what I see prior to wearing them longterm.

As far as sizing...I was around a 14 or 15 in most CCM's, RBK's, and Eagles the last two weeks while I was shopping for new glovies...the ones I bought were 14"

I can PM anyone specific measurements of my hands vs. the sizes I tried on if they want some comparisons since I was able to try on the 2 pairs they retail today and a pair of 3 year old stock they had but have now stopped producing.

End result: It is really too bad this company doesn't have presence in retail LHS' since the product (imho) is top shelf at midrange at best pricing.

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Sorry to bump an old thread. Are the HSP's less protective than the max pros? The max pro almost overdoes it!

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