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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Moving to Boston

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So I got into grad school at Harvard and am planning on moving to Cambridge in the fall. I'm just wondering if there are any rinks within walking distance from campus that offer adult rec league hockey? If not, are there any within walking distance of the kindal, central, harvard, or porter T stops off the red line?

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There are many rinks in the area....

The one that you won't find on the internet and need to know about is the Boston Skating club. Located on Western Ave. Brighton. There's a pick up game there 11pm M-F of various levels. Fridays fast. Craphole of a rink,Soft Ice (wait till summer!).

The FMC people run the rinks in Cambridge check their site.

MIT has some skates early morning.

There's a Yahoo group called Massskaters. lots of contacts to be made there.

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thanks for the tips. i figured it would either be mit's or harvard's rink. quick question, I don't have a car and my apt is in harvard square, which would be easier to get to by foot/public transport?

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If you are in Harvard Square, you can jump on the 69 bus and take that up Cambridge street and there is an MDC rink on Gore Street (Simoni Rink).

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You can walk to Bright easily. It's basically on campus--a beautiful, intimate rink. You can get there by walking down JFK toward the Charles River and walking across the Anderson bridge. Depending upon where you live in the square, you can probably get there in 10 mins. You'll want to take the Red Line to MIT--learn to love the subway. 2 stops from the Harvard Square stop if I remember correctly--Porter Square.

In my experience, both Harvard and MIT had lots of intramural skates available. If you have any affiliation with the group at all, you can likely become a rostered player on one of the league teams. I played in an MIT league without working there or being a student there. There seemed to be lots of back and forth between the schools as far as sharing players in the intramural leagues, too. The teams seemed to be made up of a good mix of undergrads, graduate students, and affiliates of one sort or another. It was a wonderful time, and wonderful people. Good ice times, too.

Cambridge is a gem. You should love it.

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