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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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wrong sharpen on skates

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Just about a week ago, I went to a LHS to get my skates sharpen for an away tournament, and I just told the guy to give me a regular 1/2 cut like what I usually get from other stores, but this guy, randomly gives me an 5/8 cut, How do I know? well he marked a sign saying its a 5/8 cut from him. When I went back on the ice a few hours later, I could not skate what so ever. It was hard turning, but the only good thing was stopping. I went back to the store, and he gave me a ''refund'' and did my skates like 1/2 again. I went on the ice the the night and couldn't skate at all what's so ever, so When i went to my regular skate sharpening place, they say said there was an reverse contarded or whatever on my blade.

How would I fix the problem, my playoffs are Saturday, and I can't skate as I would of, thank you

I tried searching and it was 19 pages, long I couldn't find anything

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I feel ya. Some nitwit completely mangled my skates at the pro shop in the arena this week. Gotta take them to a reputable person tomorrow and get them to take the whole thing off and put on a new set of edges. I can't even tell you how bad it was - I was an epic disaster for a playoff game. Lopsided edges and even the steel in the hollow wasn't smooth.

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I feel ya. Some nitwit completely mangled my skates at the pro shop in the arena this week. Gotta take them to a reputable person tomorrow and get them to take the whole thing off and put on a new set of edges. I can't even tell you how bad it was - I was an epic disaster for a playoff game. Lopsided edges and even the steel in the hollow wasn't smooth.

Where were you gerbe? if its that bad go down to the woon, that guy's pretty good.

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